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wyn-ele, es; m. Pleasant oil :-- Wynele se ðe bánes byrst béteþ and hæ-acute;leþ, Ps. Th. 108, 18.
wyn-fæst; adj. Joyous :-- Ðætte Sione dún sigefest weorðe, and weallas Sion wynfeste getremed, Ps. C. 133.
wyn-gesíþ, es; m. A pleasant companion, a companion in whom one delights :-- Næs mé wyngesíð wiðerweard heorte non adhaesit mihi cor pravum, Ps. Th. 100, 3.
wyn-gráf, es; m. n. A pleasant grove :-- Mid wynngráfe weaxaþ geswiru exultatione colles accingentur, Ps. Th. 64, 13.
wynian. v. wunian.
wyn-land, es; n. A land of delight, a happy, pleasant land :-- Se hálga stenc wunaþ geond wynlond, Exon. Th. 203, 10; Ph. 82. Wuldres wynlond (heaven), 317, 13; Mód. 65.
wyn-leás; adj. Joyless, dreary :-- Wynleásne wudu, Beo. Th. 2836; B. 1416. Wynleás wíc, 1641; B. 821. Óðerne éðel, wynleásran wíc, Cd. Th. 57, 14; Gen. 928.
wyn-líc; adj. Delightful, pleasing, agreeable, charming :-- Hæfde hé hine swá hwítne geworhtne, swá wynlíc wæs his wæstm, Cd. Th. 17, 5; Gen. 255. Onstæl wynlíc, fæger and gefeálíc, Exon. Th. 151, 17; Gú. 796. Sunbearo, wuduholt wynlíc, 200, 1; Ph. 34: 423, 22; Rä. 41, 26. Óðer wæs swá wynlíc, wlitig and scéne, ðæt wæs lífes beám, Cd. Th. 30, 15; Gen. 467. Fæger hleóðor, wynlícu wóðgiefu, Exon. Th. 414, 10; Rä. 32, 18. Ic ðé swá sciénne gesceapen hæfde, wynlícne geworht, 85, 8; Cri. 1388. Wynlice wætera þrýðe, Ps. Th. 77, 18. Wæter wynlíco, Exon. Th. 194, 9; Az. 136. Hé gemon tó oft wynlícran wíc, 444, 24; Kl. 52. [Was imaked an wunlic fur, Laym. 8090. O. H. Ger. wunni-líh amoenus, jucundus.]
wynlíce; adv. Pleasantly, delightfully :-- Ðæt ic wynlíce on psalterio ðé singan móte, Ps. Th. 107, 2: 149, 4: Exon. Th. 82, 30; Cri. 1346.
wyn-lust, es; m. Sensual pleasure :-- Ic wilnode mid him tó farenne, ðæt ic ðe má emnwyrhtena on ðære þrowunge mínes wynlustes hæfde, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 359. Hér synt ðisse weorolde wynlustas, ac ðæ-acute;r synt ða écan tintregu, L. E. I. proem.; Th. ii. 394, 8. Gif hwam hwæt yfeles gedón bið, ðæt hé ne mæge hys wynlusta brúcan, Lchdm. i. 330, 13.
wyn-mæ-acute;g, e; f. A beloved kinswoman :-- Seó fæ-acute;mne, wuldres wynmæ-acute;g (the kinswoman in whom he had delighted), Exon. Th. 182, 32; Gú. 1319.
wynnung. v. windung.
wyn-psalterium a joyous psaltery :-- Árís, wynpsalterium exurge, psalterium, Ps. Th. 56, 10.
wyn-ród, e; f. A joy-giving cross :-- Wynród (the cross), sóðfæstra segn, Salm. Kmbl. 470; Sal. 235.
wyn-sang, es; m. A joyous song, jubilant song :-- Ðæ-acute;r is wynsang, Wulfst. 265, 31.
wynstra. v. winestra.
wyn-sum; adj. I. winsome, agreeable, pleasant :-- Wynsum suavis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Zup. 54, 5. Wynsum, wlitig elegans, i. speciosus, gratus, puncher, praecipuus, magnus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 80. Ða wynsuman amoena, 1, 6. (1) pleasant to the senses or to the mind :-- Treów tó brúcenne wynsum lignum ad vescendum suave, Gen. 2, 9. Wæs swíþe wynsum wæ-acute;ta út flówende.... Seó wæ-acute;te wæs wynsumu on ðære onbyrignesse, Blickl. Homl. 209, 2-9. Hé ys Drihtne wynsum onsægednys oblatio est Domino odor suavissimus, Ex. 29, 18. Wynsum stenc, Exon. Th. 363, 16; Wal. 54. Swéte stenc, wlitig and wynsum, 359, 19; Pa. 65. Wlitig and wynsum, wuldre gemearcad regali plena decore, 220, 10; Ph. 318: 350, 13; Sch. 63: Cd. Th. 277, 33; Sat. 214. Ðes middangeard, fæger and wynsum, Blickl. Homl. 115, 13. Wæs on ðam ofne windig and wynsum, Cd. Th. 237, 33; Dan. 347. Wynsum gefeá, Exon. Th. 77, 8; Cri. 1253. Hú wynsum (iocundum) is ðæt mon eardige on ðara gebróðra ánnesse, Blickl. Homl. 139, 29. Þincð him wynsum ðæt se weald oncwyð, Met. 13, 46. Mé swéte and wynsum wæs ðæt ic oþþe leornode oþþe læ-acute;rde aut discere aut docere dulce habui, Bd. 5, 24; S. 647, 27. Mín geoc is wynsum jugum meum suave est, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 30. Wynsum gamen sales, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 54. Wynsum glíw facetiae, 61, 19. Wensum lepida (sermonum series), Hpt. Gl. 512, 55. Wynsumere &l-bar; fægere venustae, 456, 41. Hwæt þincþ ðé on ðam welan and on ðam anwealde wynsumes quid est, quod in se pulcritudinis habeant? Bt. 27, 4; Fox 100, 20. Mid wynsume wíne, Ps. Th. 59, 3. Tó wynsumum stence in suavem odorem, Lev. 1, 9. Hunig, wynsume wist, Fragm. Kmbl. 40; Leás. 22. Wynsumne réc, Elen. Kmbl. 1585; El. 794. Wynsumne wlite, Cd. Th. 111, 13; Gen. 1855. Scip, wudu wynsuman, Beo. Th. 3842; B. 1919. Wynsume cantabiles, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 9. Wæter wynsumu dulces aquae, Exon. Th. 202, 5; Ph. 65. Ðeós wyrt byþ cenned on wynsumon stówum (παραδε&iota-tonos;σoις), Lchdm, i. 280, 13: 290, 6. Wyrta wynsume, Exon. Th. 211, 7; Ph. 194. Hí his weorc wynsum wíde sæcgean annuntient opera ejus in exultatione, Ps. Th. 106, 21. Wensumre suavior (panis absconditus), Kent. Gl. 310. Wynsumra steám, Exon. Th. 358, 14; Pa. 45. Swég swétra and wlitigra and wynsumra, 206, 27; Ph. 133. Eal innanweard wæs æ-acute;nlícra and wynsumra, ðonne hit mæge stefn áreccan, se stenc and se swég, 181, 18; Gú. 1295. 'Is ðis winsum spell ðæt ðú nú segst.' Ðá cwæþ hé: 'Nis nán wuht winsumre ðonne ðæt þing ðæt ðis spell ymbe is,' Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 11. Biþ micle ðe winsumre sio sóþe gesæ-acute;lð tó habbenne æfter ðám eormþum ðisses lífes, 23; Fox 78, 30. Wynsumre, Met. 12, 20. Þincþ him wynsumre ðæt him se weald oncweþe, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 20. Wóþa wynsumast, Exon. Th. 358, 9; Pa. 43. His englas, ealra folca mæ-acute;st, wereda wynsumast, Cd. Th. 42, 8; Gen. 671. (2) in reference to the conduct of living creatures :-- Swæ-acute;s vel wynsum eucharis, Wrt. Voc. i. 61, 17: ii. 32, 52. Wynsum (suavis) is Dryhten, Ps. Surt. 33, 9: Ps. Th. 85, 4. Eálá ðú wynsuma man, Wulfst. 246, 2. Sum sceal wildne fugel átemian, óþþæt seó heoroswealwe wynsum weorþeþ, Exon. Th. 332, 18; Vy. 87. León, wynsume wiht, wel átemede, Met. 13, 19. Eálá gé góde cildra and wynsume (venusti) leorneras, Coll. Monast. Th. 35, 33. Hé wæs se swétesta láreów and se wynsumesta doctor suavissimus, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 3. II. joyous. v. wynsumian :-- Beóð gefylde mid gefeán múðas úre, beoð úre tungan teala wynsume repletum est gaudio os nostrum, et lingua nostra exultatione, Ps. Th. 125, 2. [O. Sax. wun-sam: O. H. Ger. wunni-sam jucundus, amoenus, amabilis.] v. un-, word-wynsum; wynsumness, and next word.
wynsum, es; n. The pleasant :-- Ðæt nán wiht ne sý ðæs wynsumes, Wulfst. 184, 20.
wynsumian; p. ode To rejoice, exult, be joyful :-- Ic fægnie and wynsumige and blissige exultabo et laetabor, Ps. Th. 30, 7. Wynsumaþ woesten exultet desertum, Rtl. 1, 17: Blickl. Homl. 7, 3: Wulfst. 254, 5. Ða eádigan ceasterwaran gefeóð and wynsumiaþ on lisse and on blisse and on écum gefeán, 265, 12: Shrn. 118, 4. Heora heortan and líchoman wynsumedon (exultaverunt) on God, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 37. Ná wynsuma ðú (non iocunderis) on bearnum árleásum, Scint. 176, 6. Wynsumiaþ Gode jubilate Deo, Ps. Surt. 65, 1. Gefeáþ and wynnsumiaþ gaudete et exultate, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 12. Wynsumiaþ, Ps. Th. 31, 13: Blickl. Homl. 191, 35. Gedó ðæt mín gást wynsumige on ðínre hæ-acute;lo, 159, 2. Wynsumian jocundari, Bd. 5, 12; S. 630, 16: Blickl. Homl. 91, 8. Wæs heó swíþe wynsumiende, 137, 33. Wynsumigende, 143, 25. Mid micclum wynsumigendum gefeán, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 678. Wynsumiende letantem, Rtl. 97, 16. [O. H. Ger. wunnisamón exultare.] v. ge-wynsumian.
wynsum-líc; adj. Pleasant, agreeable :-- Hé bið ðám gódum glædmód on gesihþe, wlitig, wynsumlíc weorude ðam hálgan, Exon. Th. 57, 1; Cri. 912. Wynsumlíc votivum, acceptum, desiderativum, Hpt. Gl. 446, 49. Þúhte fæger and wlitig heora líf and wynsumlíc, Blickl. Homl. 107, 30. Eall ðæt him hér on worlde wynsumlíc wæs, 111, 26: 115, 11. v. ge-wynsumlíc.
wynsumlíce; adv. I. pleasantly, agreeably. v. wynsum, I. 1 :-- Wynsumlíce stéman, Homl. Skt. i. 4, 36: ii. 27, 113. Sume tiliaþ wífa, for ðam ðæt hí þurh ðæt mæge mæ-acute;st bearna begitan, and eác wynsumlíce libban uxor, ac liberi, qui jucunditatis gratia petuntur, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 82, 27. Engla werod wynsumlíce sungon, Homl. Skt. ii. 29, 297. Ðe eáþelícor and ðe wynsumlícor ða myclan byrþenne áberan, Blickl. Homl. 135, 7. II. pleasantly, graciously. v. wynsum, I. 2 :-- Wé gelýfaþ ðæt Drihten sylf hire tógeánes cóme, and wynsumlíce mid gefeán tó him on his þrymsetle hí gesette, Homl. Th. i. 442, 15. III. gladly, joyously. v. wynsum, II :-- Wynsumlíce (voluntarie) ic ofrige ðé, Ps. Spl. 53, 6. Áwend ðíne nosu fram unálýfedum stencum, ðæt ðú mæge wynsumlíce cweðan: 'Sýn wé æðele stencas beforan Godes gesihðe,' Wulfst. 246, 13.
wynsumness, e; f. I. pleasantness, agreeableness, delight. v. wynsum, I. 1 :-- Wynsumnisse orcerd paradisum voluptatis, Gen. 2, 8. Of stówe ðære winsumnisse de loco voluptatis, 2, 10. Ðære wynsumnysse bræ-acute;ð odorem suavitatis, 8, 21. Woruldlícere wensumnesse mundanae suavitatis, secularis dulcedinis, Hpt. Gl. 413, 67: Confess. Peccat. Éces wynsumnisse aeterne jocunditatis, Rtl. 103, 24. Hæfde hé mé gebunden mid ðære wynnsumnesse his sanges me carminis dulcedo defixerat, Bt. 22, 1: Fox 76, 6. Hé on wynsumnesse lifde, Blickl. Homl. 113, 7. Se middangeard wæs blówende on swýþe manigfealdre wynsumnesse ... and teáh men tó him þurh his wlite and þurh his fægernesse and wynsumnesse, 115, 7-12. Ic ða wynsumnesse and fægernesse ðæs londes wundrade, Nar. 26, 25. On ðære stówe wynsumnesse in amoenitatem loci, Bd. 5, 12; S. 629, 39. Geseón ealles ðysses middangeardes wynsumnessa, ge on golde, ge on deórwyrþum hræglum, Blickl. Homl. 31, 3. I a. pleasantness which affects the eye, fairness, beauty :-- Wynsum[nysse] venustate, Hpt. Gl. 526, 22. II. pleasantness of behaviour. v. wynsum, I. 2:God ús læ-acute;rð sibbe and wynsumnesse, and deófol ús læ-acute;rð unsibbe and wróhte, Homl. Ass. 168, 111. III. joyousness, exultation. v. wynsum, II :-- Wynsumnis mín exultatio mea, Ps. Surt. 31, 7. Weolure wynsumnisse labia exultationis, 62, 6. In wynsumnisse in jubilatione, 32, 3. Mid wynsumnesse exultatione, Blickl. Gl.: Rtl. 50, 19. IV. devotion. v. wilsumness :-- Mid wynsumnysse heortan (wilsume heortan, Bd. M. 228, 6) devoto corde, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 22. On micelre wynsumnesse (wilsumnisse, Bd. M. 376, 11) gebeda orationis devotione, 4, 30; S. 609, 5. v. un-wynsumness.
wyn-weorod, es; n. A joyous band :-- Wynwerede choro, Blickl. Gl.