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a; prep. Omit:Ps. Th. 18, 8 belongs toá. á (ó); adv. Ever. Add: A. always; semper.I. in reference to eternity, (1) alone:-- Ealle gesceafta woldon á bión; æ-acute;lcere wuhte is gecynde ðæt hit wilnige ðæt hit á sié, Bt. 34, 12; F. 152, 18. (2) defined by adverbs :-- Á forþ éce, Az. 112. A forþ heonan, Cri. 582. (3) emphasized by noun phrases:-- Æ-acute;fre sig Dryhten gebletsod, á worulda woruld, Nic. 19, 24. Á on worlda forþ, Hy. 7, 123. Á tó worulde forþ, 6, 13. Á tó worulde, á bútan ende, Sae. 315. A bútan ende éce, Cri. 415. Á tó ealdre, Dóm. 29. Á tó feore, Cri. 1678. II. denoting continuity or continual recurrence in temporary matters:-- Á þenden standeþ woruld, Gen. 915: B. 283. Á fordh in dies, Txts. 70, 529. Forþ unwemme á, Cri. 300. Á mid ældum in æ-acute;lce tíd geweorþad, 405. Ús freódóm gief from yfla gehwám á tó wídan feore, Hy. 5, ll. Á in wintra worn, Dan. 324. Á ic symles wæs willan þínes georn, An. 64. Ic á and symble cwæþ, Ps. 94, 10. Á on symbel semper, Gr. D. 283, 6. On ðá gerád ðæ-acute;t hí gecuron heora kynecyn áá on ðá wífhealfa, Chr. Erl. p. 3, 16. Of Angle sé á syððan stód wéstig, 449; Erl. 13, 16. Áá after ðám hit yfelode, 975 ; Erl. 127, 32. Hé wíslíce ræ-acute;dde oftost á simle, 959; Erl. 119, 26. Waes á bliacute;ðemód, 1065; Erl. 196, 34. Hí á bærndon swá hí geférdon, 1010; Erl. 144, l. II a. of continuity in space-measurement:-- Wæs ðæt land genemnad Nazanleóg á oþ Certices ford. Chr. 508; Erl. 15, 19. II b. of continuous increase or decrease (with comparatives):-- Sceal him ðanan forð á þe bet belimpan, Wlfst. 39, 11. Ðeós woruld is sorhful and fram dæge tó dæge á swá leng swá wyrse, 189, 6. II c. of continuous correspondence, quite (as):-- Dá sendon hié eft Marius angeán Geoweorþan, á swá lytigne and á swábrægdenne swá hé wæs Marius, qui non minore pene quam ipse praeditus erat astutia, Ors. 5, 7; S. 228, 32. Þæ-acute;r wæs á sw;á micel dem swá on Alexandria wæs, 6, 14; S. 270, 2. III. making a condition emphatic:-- Nán æ-acute;nig þing þeáh þe á lytel (anything though always small, though never great) hys ágenre findincge d;ón geþrístlæ-acute;ce nullus quippiam quamuis parum sua propria adinuentione agere presumat, Angl. xiii. 441, 1081. B. at any time; unquarn. I. in any case, at all:-- Mid máran unræ-acute;de ðone him á behófode ( than was at all proper for him), Chr. 1093; Erl. 229, 3. Gif hé ó wæ-acute;re gecnyssed mid mænniscre herenesse, Gr. D. 59, 28. Eá lá ! ðæt ðú á woldest sæ-acute;ne weorþan, An. 203. Hwæðer siððan á Drihten ámetan wolde wrece be gewyrhtum, Met. 9, 34. II. strengthening a negation:-- Hié á noldon, Dan. 189. Nó ðæs fela . . . ðæt á se ríca récan wolde, 596: B. 779. Ne

ðæ-acute;r hleona;þ oo unsméþes wiht, Ph. 25. Nó waniaþ ó holtes fræ-acute;twe, 72 : Cri. 313: Gen. 833. III. emphasizing a question, (why) ever:-- Hwiacute; eów á lyste (cf. hwí gé wilnigen, Bt. F. 68, 26), Met. 10, 18. IV. in any degree, any (with comparatives):-- Ne oncnáwð á lengc stówe non cognoscet amplius locum, Ps. L. 102, 16 : An. 1469: H. R. 17, 22. Hwæþer ðú hit á sweotolor ongiton mæge, Bt. 34, 4; F. 138, 16: 35, 5 ; F. 166, 23 : 30, 1; F. 108, 28. Á lator, Gr. D. 59, 19. Hw;í eart ðú ðonne á ðý betera, Bt. 13; F. 38, 9. Wénst ðú ðæt hí á þe deórwyrþran seón, 14, 2; F. 44, 2: 27, 2; F. 98, 9. [Goth.aiw: O. Sax. O. H. Ger. éo: Ger. je: Icel. æ-acute;, ei (ey).] v. áwa. [Omit the part within brackets at end of á.]

á- [O. Sax. O. Frs. á: O. H. Ger. ar- (ir-, ur-) : Goth. us-.] v. æ-acute;-.

áb. v. ó-web.

a-bacan to bake:-- Nim ælces cynnes melo and ábacæ man hláf, Lch. i. 404, 5. Þost tó cicle ábacen, 364, 15: Gr. D. 87, 21. Hláfas on beágwísan ábacene, 343, 15.

á-bæ-acute;dan. Substitute the following: I. to force, wring :-- Ele ábæ-acute;dan and áwringan of þám bergum ab olivis exigere oleum torquendo, Gr. D. 250, 22. II. to compel:-- Gif ðæt nýd ábæ-acute;deþcum exhiberi mysterium ipsa necessitas compellit, Bd. l, 27; S. 497, 1. Ne hé on horses hrycg cuman wolde, nemne hwylc nýd rnáre ábæ-acute;dde nisi si major necessitas compulisset, 3, 5 ; S. 526, 28. Wé beóþ genýdede and ábæ-acute;dede, ðæt wé sceolon ágyldan, Gr. D. 350, 10. III. to demand, require. (l) where the object is something needed or requisite:-- Nániges fultumes ábæ-acute;deþ (-d, MS. ) sió lár nullum adjutorium expostulet ratio, Nar. 2, 2. Gif se geleáfa ábæ-acute;deþ si fides exigat, Gr. D. 176, 14: 333, 19. Ðá ðe se hring ealles geáres on wurþunge symbeldaga ábæ-acute;dde ea quae totius anni circulus in celebratione dierum festorum poscebat, Bd. 4, 18; M. 314, 23. Hí ðæt scyp gehlæsted hæfdon mid ðám ðingum ðe swá mycles síþfætes nýd ábæ-acute;dde quae tanti itineris necessitas poscebat, 5, 9; S. 623, 18. Hí wæron gefédde mid ðæs gecyndes neád;þearfnysse ábæ-acute;de (? the passage seems to mean 'that they fed on what nature required for her needs'), Hml. S. 23b, 130. (2) where the object is something due, a tax, or the like:-- Ic him álýfde alle nédbáde tuégra sceopa, ðá de ábæ-acute;dde beóð from ðaem nédbáderum, C. D. i. 114, 20. Ys fíra æ-acute;nig ðára ðe . . . an man áge deáð ábæ-acute;de, æ-acute;r se dæg cyme is there any man whom death can claim before the appointed day comes? (? the passage seems corrupt), Sal. 478.

á-bæ-acute; ran to bring out, bring to light: -- Ðæt ðæt díhle wæs openum wordum sý eall ábæ-acute;red omnia luci verbis reddantur apertis, Dóm. L. 41. v. æ-acute;-bæ-acute;re (-bére), á-beran.

abal. v. afol.

á-bannan. Add:-- Ábanie (-banne?) jussus, Germ. 391, 55.

á-barian. Add: I. to make bare, strip :-- Stówe róde ábarude locum cruce denudatum, Angl. xiii. 427, 894. II. to lay bare, expose, disclose:-- Ælfremeda wunda ná ábarian (detegere) and geswutelian, R. Ben. I. 80, 12. Gylt ábarian delictum denudare, Scint. 195, 2. For ábaredum (ábored, in marg.) ob detectum, apertum, revelatum, Hpt. Gl. 474, 78. Ábarude retectos, Germ. 393, 64. [O. H. Ger. ar-bar;ón denudare, prodere.]

abbod-hád. Add:-- Ðá ðe ðæne abbod tó abbodháde gecuron qui abbatem ordinant, R. Ben. 124, 16. Sé ðe tó abbodháde sceal qui ordinandus est, 118, 3.

abbodisse. Add:-- Seó abbodyssa, Lch. iii. 428, 16. Abbodesse, L. In. 23 ; Th. i. 118, 1. Abbudesse, Chr. 805; Erl. 60, 17.

abbod-leást, e; f. Lack of an abbot:-- Ðæt mynstres þincg ne forwyrþan for abbudleáste ut non res monasterii abbatis privatione depereant, C. D. B. i. B. 155, 37.

á-beatan. Add:-- Ic ðé ðíne téþ of ábeáte, Lch. i. 326, 15.

ábécédé; f. An ABC, alphabet:-- Seó forme ábécédé on ðám geríme ys bútan pricon, and seó óðer ys gepricod on ðá swýðran healfe, and seó þrydde on ðá wynstran healfe. . . . Héræter wé wyllaþ tódæ-acute;lan ðá abecedaria on twá tódæ-acute;lednyssa, Angl. viii. 332, 42. Wé willaþ ðá stafas onsundron gewriðan ðe ðá éstfullan preóstas on heora getæle habbaþ, and ðæ-acute;ræfter Ebréiscra ábécédé wé willaþ geswutelian, and Gréciscra, and ðæt getæl ðæ-acute;ra stafena wé þencaþ tó cýðanne, 335, 39.

á-bedecian; p. ode To get by begging. v. a-beþecian in Dict. , and bedecian.

á-bégendlíc, a-behófian. v. un-ábígendlíc, á. B. I.

á-belgan.. Add:-- Ábealg exacerbavit, provocavit, adflixit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 56. Ábulge offenderet, 63, 4. Ábolgen ringescens, 90, 47. (l) with dat. or uncertain:-- Ðá æ-acute;bylignesse gebéte ðe heó Gode ábylgð (ábealh, v. l.) iram Dei, quam excitaverit, placare, L. Ecg. P. ii. 16; Th. ii. 188, 4. Gif ús hwá ábylgþ, ðonne beó wé sóna yrre, Bl. H. 33, 26. Ðone mon eft lufian ðe him æ-acute;r ábealg, Past. 220, 26, Hwí irsast ðú wiþ ús ? on hwám ábulgon wé ðé? Bt. 7, 5 ; F. 24, l. Gif hé hwám ábulge, Wlfst. 180, 10: Ors. 6, 11; S. 266, 10. (2) with acc.:-- Ðý læ-acute;s hé ábelge mid ðæ-acute;re su;ígean ðone dóm ðæs Sceáweres ne spectatoris judicium ex silentio offendat. Past. 93, 5. Forbe;ád se biscop ðæt hí ne weópon, ðý læ-acute;s [hí] ðá hálgan treów þurh heora wóp and teáras ábulgen monuit sacerdos ut pergeremus fletum ululatumque nostrum sacras arbores dicens offendisse, Nar. 32, 14. Þá áne þe him æ-acute;r ábolgen wæs, Ors. 2, 5 ; S. 80, 17. Ábolgene (-bloncgne in text) wéron indignati sunt, Mt. L. 26, 8. [Laym, abalh; p.; abol;&yogh;en; pp.: O. Sax. á-belgan: O. H. Ger. ar-belgan.]

á-beligan. v. á-bilgan.

á-beódan. Add: (1) to announce, declare a message :-- Hé word ábeád he delivered the words of his message, B. 390. Ðæt hé hyre æ-acute;rende ábude ðám bisceope ðysum wordum, Hml. S. 2, 68. Ðæt ic wiþ ðé sceolde æ-acute;rendspræ-acute;ce ábeódan, Räi. 61, 16. Áboden bið praedicabitur, Lk. R. 12, 3: 24, 47. (l a) where the message is given by a clause:-- Hé ábeád þæt æ-acute;gðer ðára folca óþrum ágeáfe ealle ðá men ðe hié gehergead hæfden, Ors. 4, 6; S. 178, 12. (2) to announce what is coming:-- Heáhengel hæ-acute;lo ábeád Marian, ðæt heó Meotod sceolde cennan, Men. 50: An. 96. Ðæt ðú hellwarum hyht ne ábeóde, ah ðú him secgan miht sorga mæ-acute;ste, Sat. 695. Se deáþ him tó cymeþ Godes dóm tó ábeódenne, Bl. H. 59, 12. (2 a) to announce the coming of a person:-- Hæfde hé seleweard áseted, sundornytte beheóld, eoton weard ábeád (the guard's special office was to give notice of Grendel's coming), B. 668. (3) in formulae of greeting, to bid farewell, (hæ-acute;l ábeódan) to hail:-- Hé hæ-acute;lo ábeád heorðgeneátum he bade farewell to