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28 &A-long;-F&Y-long;LAN -- &A-long;GEND-L&I-long;CE
&a-long;-f&y-long;lan. Add :-- Ðæt &d-bar;æt h&e-long; mid hreówsunga geclæ-long;nsode h&e-long; eft &a-long;f&y-long;lde, Past. 421, 9. THORN;æt æ-long;nig ne &a-long;f&y-long;le mid f&u-long;lan forligere hine sylfne, Wlfst. 69, 14. &A-long;f&y-long;lan polluere, Germ. 401, 35. On gefeohte handa &a-long;f&y-long;lan, Hml. Th. ii. 502, 7: Hml. S. 25, 858: 32, 86. Swelce h&i-long; h&i-long; mid &d-bar;æ-long;re hreówsunge t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;m &a-long;&d-bar;weán &d-bar;æt h&i-long; h&i-long; mægen eft &a-long;f&y-long;lan cum se lacrymis lavant, ut mundi ad sordes redeunt, Past. 419, 26. Ne læ-long;t þ&u-long; m&e-long; m&i-long;n mægþh&a-long;d &a-long;f&y-long;lan, Hml. A. 172, 68. &A-long;f&y-long;led mid þ&y-long; duste eor&d-bar;licra dæ-long;da, Gr. D. 4, 34. Þ&a-long; yfelan sint fulle æ-long;lces yfeles, h&i-long; bióþ &a-long;f&y-long;lde. Bt. 37, 3; F. 190, 19. F&u-long;le &a-long;f&y-long;lede h&o-long;rcw&e-long;nan, Ll. Th. 1. 172, 21. &A-long;f&y-long;ledum infectis, An. Ox. 380. v. un-&a-long;f&y-long;led.
&a-long;-fyllan. Add: I. to fill a vessel, space, &c. :-- S&e-long; &a-long;fylde ealle þ&a-long; st&o-long;we, Hml. Th. ii. 350, 25. Wynsum bræ-long;&d-bar; þ&a-long; lyfte &a-long;fylde, Hml. S. 27, 111. &A-long;fyl &d-bar;&a-long; wunde. Lch. ii. 22, 20. Þ&a-long; hié heora cawelas &a-long;fylled hæfdon, Ors. 4, 8; S. 188, 27. I a. with gen. :-- Mon &a-long;fielde diófolgielda þá cirican, Ors. 6, 3; S. 258, 7. Afylled monnes bl&o-long;des, 76, 32. I b. with prep. mid :-- Ðone sæ-long; mid scipun and mid his fultume &a-long;fyllan, Ors. 2, 5; S. 84, 14. &A-long;fyllan fatu mid wætere, Hml. Th. i. 58, 12. Seó dene wæs &a-long;fylled mid manna s&a-long;wlum, ii. 350, 9. II. to fill, supply abundantly, (a) with gen. :-- Þ&a-long;n heáhsetl is þrymmes &a-long;fylled, Wlfst. 254, 18. (b) with mid :-- Gebytla mid wistum &a-long;fyllede and mid &e-long;cum leóhte, Hml. Th. i. 68, 3. þ-bar; folc þæs fægnode &a-long;fylde (-fyllede, v. l.) mid þ&a-long;m bræ-long;&d-bar;e. Hml. S. 27, 112. [Goth. us-fulljan: O. H. Ger. ar-fullen replere (with gen. or mit).]
&a-long;-fyllan to fell. v. a-fillan: &a-long;-fylledlic. -fyllendlic, -fyllend-l&i-long;ce. v. un-&a-long;fylledlic, -&a-long;fyllendlic, -&a-long;fyllendl&i-long;ce: a-fyran, dele.
&a-long;-f&y-long;ran (and&a-long;-f&y-long;rd, -f&y-long;rida). Add :-- Sindun &a-long;f&y-long;rde (eunuchi) þ&a-long; &d-bar;e sw&a-long; &a-long;kende w&e-long;run, and syndun &a-long;f&y-long;rde þ&a-long; þe wurdon from monnum, and sindun &a-long;f&y-long;rde þ&a-long; þe hié sylfum &a-long;f&y-long;rdun (castraverunt), Mt. R. 19, 12. &A-long;f&y-long;red (-id) olbenda dromidus, Txts. 57, 707. Ð&a-long; &a-long;f&y-long;rdan eunuchi, Past. 407, 33: 409, I. &A-long;f&y-long;rdum spadonibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 76. [O. H. Ger. ar-f&u-long;ren castrare.]
&a-long;-fyrhtan. Add :-- þ-bar; h&i-long; ne &a-long;fyrhte þ-bar; gewin þæs s&i-long;þfætes. Bd. I. 23; S. 486, 1. Hiora r&y-long;ung þ&a-long; elpendas meahte &a-long;fyrhton, Nar. 21, 26. Wear&d-bar; h&e-long; &a-long;fyrht and &a-long;fæ-long;red, Lch. iii. 424, 36. &A-long;fyrhted, Bl. H. 185, 36. Woeron &a-long;fryhtad periclitabantur, Lk. L. 8, 23. &A-long;fyrhte altoniti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 101, 19. Mon ongitan mehte h&u-long; hié &a-long;fyrhtede wæ-long;ron. Ors. 4, 10; S. 194, 10.
&a-long;-f&y-long;rida, -fyrran, -fyrsian. v. &a-long;-f&y-long;ran, -firran, -feorsian.
&a-long;-fyrþan to remove :-- Hit &a-long;firþe&d-bar; (-fyrre&d-bar;, v. l.) þ&a-long; wommas, Lch. i. 294, 2. Cf. forþ, (ge-)forþian.
&a-long;-f&y-long;san. Add; to make eager, inspire with longing :-- Þonne hwylc-um men gelimpeþ þ-bar; his fæder gefærþ, ne mæg þ-bar; n&a-long; beón þ-bar; þ&a-long; bearn langunga nabban æfter þæ-long;m freóndum. Sw&a-long; wiste &u-long;re heofonlica fæder his þ&a-long; leófan bearn &a-long;f&y-long;sed æfter him, Bl. H. 131, 28.
ag, dele.
&a-long;ga. Add :-- Sum mycel &a-long;ga þæs nama wæs Characterius possessor quidam Carlerius nomine, Gr. D. 230, 11. [O. H. Ger. eigo.]
&a-long;-gæ-long;lan. Dele II. v. intrans. . . . esse, and add: I. to make g&a-long;l (q. v.), to profane, v. t&o-long;-gæ-long;lan :-- Ne ic ne besm&i-long;te &l-bar; &a-long;gæ-long;ele m&i-long;ne ge-k&y-long;&d-bar;nesse neque profanabo testamentum meum, Ps. L. 88, 35. II. to neglect, delay doing :-- Se sl&a-long;wa &a-long;gæ-long;l&d-bar; and forielt &d-bar;æt weorc &d-bar;e him niéd&d-bar;earf wæ-long;re t&o-long; wyrceanne piger necessaria agere negligit, Past. 283, 25. Ic &a-long;gæ-long;lde þæt t&o-long; m&i-long;nre s&a-long;wle frætwum belumpe, Angl. xi. 98, 29: 99, 63. Ic &a-long;g&e-long;lda (forg&y-long;mde above the line), xii. 510, 19. Þ&a-long; gyt &a-long;gæ-long;lde h&e-long; hyt and hyt him ne sæ-long;de, Shrn. 98, 13. S&e-long; his ferweme o&d-bar;&d-bar;e hit &a-long;g&e-long;le. Cht. Th. 476, 2. III. to hinder from doing something (gen.) :-- &A-long;gæ-long;leþ inpedit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 8. H&i-long; þone Godes man his horses bereáfodon and hine his s&i-long;&d-bar;es &a-long;gæ-long;ldon, Gr. D. 15, 17. Gif h&e-long; hine &a-long;gæ-long;lde Godes þeówd&o-long;mes if he hindered himself from doing God's service, Bl. H. 23, 17. III, to hinder by diverting a person's energies, to pre-occupy :-- Sw&a-long; eall þ-bar; folc wearþ mid him &a-long;num &a-long;gæ-long;led, þæt hié þæs wealles n&a-long;ne giéman ne dydon, Ors. 3, 9; S. 134, 20.
&a-long;-gæ-long;ledl&i-long;ce. v. un-&a-long;gæ-long;ledl&i-long;ce.
&a-long;-gælwed. Add: [-gæ-long;lwed (?); but cf. (?) gealh(-g)] dismayed, troubled (?) :-- Hié &a-long;fyrhtede wæ-long;ron and &a-long;gælwede incredibili totius civitatis metu, Ors. 4. 10; S. 194, 10.
&a-long;-galan. Add :-- Þ&a-long; &d-bar;e cunnan galder &a-long;galan, Wlfst. 194, 19. Bió&d-bar; &a-long;galene incantantur, Ps. Srt. 57, 6.
a-g&a-long;lan. l. &a-long;-g&a-long;lian; p. ode To become remiss :-- &A-long;strecca&d-bar; eówre &a-long;g&a-long;lodan (remissas) honda, Past. 65, 18. v. &a-long;-gæ-long;lan.
&a-long;-g&a-long;n. Dele III. and add: I. to go off, away :-- &A-long;g&a-long;, yrming, &u-long;t of &d-bar;ysum mæn, Gr. D. 223, 10. Þ&a-long; h&e-long; &u-long;t &a-long;g&a-long;n wæs cum ille abiisset, Gen. 27, 5. Þ&a-long; h&i-long; &u-long;t &a-long;g&a-long;ne wæ-long;ron cum essent in agro, 4, 8: cum fuissent egressi, Num. 12, 4: Mt. 9, 32. Wæ-long;ron þ&a-long; men uppe on londe of &a-long;g&a-long;ne, Chr. 897 ; P. 90, 26. II. of time, to pass :-- Ic n&a-long;t hwænne m&i-long;ne dagas &a-long;g&a-long;ne beó&d-bar; ignorem diem mortis meae, Gen. 27, 2. Manige geár syndon &a-long;g&a-long;n, Bl. H. 187, 3. W&e-long; n&a-long; ne r&i-long;mdon þ&a-long; &a-long;g&a-long;nan dagas, Gr. D. 345. 32. II a. to run out (of a lease). v. un-&a-long;g&a-long;n in Dict. III. to pass off, lose strength :-- &A-long;gæ-long;þ evanuerit (v. Mt. 5, 13), Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 62. &A-long;gæ-long;tþ, 73, 2. IV. to come off, come to pass, happen :-- Hit &a-long;gæ-long;d eallsw&a-long; h&e-long; spric&d-bar; evenerit quod locutus est. Deut. 13, 2. Þ&i-long;n swefen &a-long;gæ-long;&d-bar; b&u-long;tan frecednysse . . . þ-bar; swefen &a-long;gæ-long;&d-bar; mid gefeán, Lch. iii. 154, 25-6. Æfter langre t&i-long;de hit &a-long;gæ-long;&d-bar;, 156, 3. Þ&a-long; sæ-long;de h&e-long; h&u-long; hit gewur&d-bar;an scolde, and hit s&o-long;na æfter þ&a-long;m ealsw&a-long; &a-long;eóde, Wlfst. 17, 18: 44, 23 [ = K. de visione Isaiae in Dict. ). IV a. with dat. of person to whom something happens :-- Him &a-long;eóde sw&a-long; se h&a-long;lga him gew&i-long;tegode, Hml. Th. ii. 168, 34. H&e-long; on swefne &a-long;ne gesih&d-bar;e be him sylfum geseah sw&a-long; sw&a-long; him sy&d-bar;&d-bar;an &a-long;eóde, 432, 28. Sw&a-long; sw&a-long; hit him sorhl&i-long;ce &a-long;gióde, C. D. iv. 56, 27. V. to come out, become known :-- H&e-long; l&e-long;tt &a-long;g&a-long;n &u-long;t h&u-long; fela hundred h&y-long;da wæ-long;ron innon þæ-long;re sc&i-long;re he made it come out how many hundred hides there were in the shire, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 18.
&a-long;gan. Dele II, and add: pres. indic. 2 sg. &a-long;ht (in Lind.), pl. &a-long;gaþ (in Scint.). I. of possession :-- Bec&y-long;p eall þæt þ&u-long; &a-long;hst, Mt. 19, 21. G&e-long; &a-long;ga&d-bar; possidebitis, Scint. 7, 12. H&i-long; &a-long;ga&d-bar; possident, 158, 17. Þræ-long;las ne m&o-long;ton habban þæt h&i-long; &a-long;gon on &a-long;genan hw&i-long;lan mid earfe&d-bar;an gewunnen, Wlfst. 158, 38. Ðæt h&e-long; ealne &d-bar;isne middangeard &a-long;ge, Past. 333, 9. þ-bar; yrfewyrd-nysse g&e-long; &a-long;g&a-long;n (possideatis), Scint. 24, 7. H&e-long; þæt weor&d-bar; nolde &a-long;g&a-long;n (would not retain in his possession), ac hit &o-long;þrum monnum sealde, Ors. 4, 10:8. 198, 17. Eall þ-bar; him wæs leófost t&o-long; &a-long;genne, Bl. H. 111, 26. T&o-long; &a-long;ganne, Met. 21, 19. la. of a husband's relation to his wife. Cf. Icel. eiga konu :-- Ð&a-long;m gefarenan br&e-long;&d-bar;er &d-bar;e &d-bar;æt w&i-long;f æ-long;r &a-long;hte, Past. 43, 15. S&e-long; þe him þ&a-long;s idese &a-long;g&a-long;n wolde, Gen. 2702. II. of accomplishment :-- Gif þet Godes wille seó, þæt heó þ-bar; færeld &a-long;ge, Cht. Th. 481, 12. III. de-scribing a state or condition, to have need, &c. :-- Drihten þæs &a-long;h þearfe, Bl. H. 71, 1. Ðæ-long;m &d-bar;e læ-long;ssan þearfe &a-long;hton, Bt. 38, 7; F. 208, 26. H&i-long; sceande &a-long;gon confundantur, Ps. Th. 108, 27. IV. of obligation, to have to do something :-- Æt sw&a-long; miclon sw&a-long; m&i-long;n br&o-long;&d-bar;or w&a-long;t þ-bar; ic heom mid rihte t&o-long; gyldanne &a-long;h, Cht. Th. 561, 31. þ-bar; feoh þe heó m&e-long; &a-long;h t&o-long; gyldenne, 553, 18. Micel is þ-bar; s&a-long;cerd &a-long;h t&o-long; d&o-long;nne, Ll. Th. i. 360, 30. Swilce þ&e-long;nisce d&o-long;n swilce hig &a-long;gon t&o-long; d&o-long;ne, Cht. Th. 609, 17. Huu micel &a-long;ht &d-bar;&u-long; t&o-long; geldanne quantum debest, Lk. L. 16, 5. &A-long;n &a-long;hte t&o-long; geldanne (debebat) penninges f&i-long;f hund, 7, 41: Mt. L. 18, 24, 28. V. to mate possessor of something?, endow with :-- Þ&e-long; ic &a-long;gan sceal I will surely endow thee, Gen. 2724. Ne meahton freó ne þeówe heora bregoweardas bearnum &a-long;gan neither bond nor free could make their lords possessors of children (the passage refers to the women afflicted with barrenness), 2747. v. ge-&a-long;gan, n&a-long;gan; blæ-long;d-, bold-, burg-, folo, mægen-&a-long;gende.
&a-long;-gangan. Add: I. to go off, out :-- Eallum &u-long;t &a-long;gangendum cunctis egressis, Bd. l, 7; Sch. 24, 414. II. to pass (of time) :-- Þisse eldo is se mæ-long;sta dæ-long;l &a-long;gangen, efne nigon hund wintra and lxxi on þ&y-long;s geáre, Bl. H. 119, 1. III. to come to pass, happen :-- Þ&a-long; forebeácno þ&a-long; þe. . . geweorþan sceoldan, ealle þ&a-long; syndon &a-long;gangen. . . f&i-long;fe þ&a-long;ra syndon &a-long;gangen on þisse eldo. Bl. H. 117, 30-36. v. &a-long;-g&a-long;n.
&a-long;-g&a-long;nian; p. ode To gape, yawn :-- H&e-long; &a-long;g&a-long;node oscitavit, Gr. D. 216, 17.
&a-long;ge. Add: [Icel. eiga property.]
&a-long;-geldan to requite, v. &a-long;-gildan : &a-long;-geldan to punish. Add: [Cf. O. H. Ger. rehto ingalte justa ultione puniti.]
&a-long;-gelwan. v. &a-long;-gælwan.
&a-long;gen. Add: , æ-long;gen. I. as adj. :-- Þæt is &a-long;gen cræft (a property) wætres and eor&d-bar;an. Met. 20, 122. Æ-long;nigum folce his æ-long;genu æ-long; gel&i-long;cade t&o-long; healdenne, Ors. 5, 15; S. 250, 19. Þæs wæteres &a-long;gnu c&y-long;þ is on eorþan, Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 14. Þis is m&i-long;n &a-long;gen c&y-long;þ, Met. 24, 49. &A-long;gen vel gecynde spræ-long;c idioma, proprietas linguae, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 46. Binnan heora æ-long;genre h&y-long;de, Bt. 14, 2 ; F. 44, 23. Mid m&i-long;ne &a-long;gne mægene, Past. 39, 18. Hié magon ongietan hiera &a-long;gen (s&e-long;gen, Hatt. MS.) yfel, 214, 14. T&o-long; tæ-long;lenne &a-long;genne Godes freónd, Hml. A. 13, 9. His &a-long;hgen leóht, Bt. 3, 2; S. 9, 12. Þæt (what) h&i-long; &a-long;gon on &a-long;genan hw&i-long;lan gewunnen, Wlfst. 158, 38. Gif h&e-long; þ&a-long; Godes w&a-long;ccor behwyrf&d-bar; þonne þ-bar; h&e-long; him t&o-long; &a-long;genum tele&d-bar;, þonne him micele &a-long;genre is þ-bar; him æ-long;fre gelæ-long;st, Ll. Th. i. 272, 12. I a. proper (name, noun) :-- Sume synd &a-long;gene naman sw&a-long; sw&a-long; is Eádg&a-long;r, sume gemæ-long;nelice, Ælfc. Gr. ii. 16. On as geendia&d-bar; &a-long;gene naman; Aeneas is &a-long;gen nama, 25, 14-16. II. as subsl., one's own (people, , land, property, &c.) :-- W&e-long; br&u-long;ca&d-bar; &u-long;res &a-long;gnes (æ-long;gnes, Hatt. MS.), Past. 336, 19. Æ-long;genes, 339, 2. þ-bar; g&e-long; m&e-long; geunnon m&i-long;nes &a-long;genes, Ll. Th. i. 196, 16. Eall hiera &a-long;gen &d-bar;æt hié synderl&i-long;ce &d-bar;encead-bar; o&d-bar;&d-bar;e d&o-long;&d-bar; hié w&e-long;na&d-bar; &d-bar;æt &d-bar;æt sié &d-bar;æt betste, Past. 209, 9. Hiora &a-long;gen (æ-long;gen, Hatt. MS.) w&e-long; him sella&d-bar;, nealles &u-long;re, 334, 18. Gif &d-bar;&u-long; &d-bar;&i-long;n &a-long;gen myrre, ne w&i-long;t &d-bar;&u-long; hit n&a-long; Gode, Prov. K. 51: Wlfst. 158, 37. T&o-long; his &a-long;genum h&e-long; com in propria venit, Jn. I. II. C&u-long;þan mon ofsl&o-long;g, and Ceaulin hwearf t&o-long; his &a-long;gnum, Chr. 584; P. 20, 4. Hié eft t&o-long; hiora &a-long;gnum bec&o-long;man restituti sunt, Ors. 4, 3; S. 162, 21. Ð&a-long; gewænde seó wydewe h&a-long;m t&o-long; hyre &a-long;genum, Hml. S. 2, 144. v. un-&a-long;gen.
&a-long;gend. Add :-- &A-long;gend possessor, Kent. Gl. 543. Gif man mæg&d-bar;man n&e-long;de genime&d-bar;, þ&a-long;m &a-long;gende .L. scillinga, and æft æt þ&a-long;m &a-long;gende s&i-long;nne willan æt gebicge. Ll. Th. i. 24, 3-4: 42, 21.
&a-long;gend-freá. Add :-- Ne earda&d-bar; næ-long;nig &a-long;gendfreá nullus possessor in-habitat, Gr. D. 258, 19. Se earm st&o-long;d þ&a-long;m &a-long;gendfreán ungewylde the man could not move his own arm, 254, 38. Cf. &a-long;gen-fr&i-long;gea.
&a-long;gend-l&i-long;ce. Add :-- As if something belonged to one's self, imperi-