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Lufige hé ánnysse and bróðorræ-acute;dene betwux mannum, Hml. Th. i. 142, 10. Eal se here him swór ánnesse, þæt hié eal þæt woldon þæt hé wolde, Chr. 921; P. 103, 16.

án-nihte; adj. One day old :-- Ácenned on ánnihtne móna[n], Lch. iii. 160, 18. Ánnihte, 176, 16.

án-ræ-acute;d. Add: , -ræ-acute;de. I. of one (and the same) counsel, agreed, in agreement, in harmony, (1) of persons :--Þurcil and hé wæ-acute;ran ánræ-acute;de, Chr. 1023; P. 157, 30. Ealle hi wæ-acute;ron ánræ-acute;de æt eallum þám ðingum. Ll. Th. ii. 336, 11. (2) of things :--þ-bar; man menn blód ne læ-acute;te æ-acute;r þám þe se móna and seó sæ-acute; beón ánræ-acute;de, Lch. iii. 154, 2. II. of one (unvarying) counsel, steadfast, constant, resolute :-- Gestæþþig, ánræ-acute;de constans, stabilis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 69. (1) of persons :-- Áfandað God ðæs mannes mód, hwæðer hé ánræ-acute;de sý, Hml. Th. i. 268, 16. Beó ðú ánræ-acute;de and unforht, ii. 480, 3 : Guth. 96, 1: Hml. S. 36, 292. Tó þám ánræ-acute;de þæt hé ne áwácað, Wlfst. 97, 6. Wæs þ-bar; cild snotor and ánræ-acute;de, Shrn. 127, 12: R. Ben. 108, 21. Ánréd constans, Kent. Gl. 1153. Hé hine hét þæt hé ne tweóde, ac þæt hé wæ-acute;re ánræ-acute;d, Guth. 30, 7. Eádgár se æþela and se ánræ-acute;da cyning. Jud. p. 163,11. Rihtwísnysse mid ánræ-acute;dum móde symle healdan, Hml. Th. ii. 228, 19: Hml. S. 1, 166. Beóð ánræ-acute;de and habbað sum eornost, Hml. A. 48, 582: Shrn. 59, 26. Hí wæ-acute;ron swá ánræ-acute;de on geleáfan þæt tintrega hí ne mihte fram Gode gebígan, Hml. Th. ii. 540, 21. Þone ánræ-acute;destan (constantissimum) andettere, Gr. D. 238, 22. Mid ðám ánræ-acute;dystum mannum þe him mid fuhton, Hml. S. 25, 668. (2) of things :-- Swá ánræ-acute;de seó wyrt ys þ-bar; heó þý ylcan dæge þá stánas forbrycð, Lch. i. 212, 14. Habban ánræ-acute;de geðanc and ánræ-acute;dne geleáfan, Wlfst. 32, 17. [O. H. Ger. ein-ráti': Icel. ein-ráðr.]

án-ræ-acute;dlic; adj. Unhesitating, decided :--þ-bar; wæs ánræ-acute;dlicu eáþmódnes þ-bar; heó sylf hié þeówen nemde, Bl. H. 13, 13.

án-ræ-acute;dlíce. Add: I. in reference (1) to persons, unanimously, (2) to things, uniformly :--Hý cwæ-acute;don ealle ánræ-acute;dlíce þ-bar; hit riht wæ-acute;re, Ll. Th. ii. 336, 2. Wið þám þe hi ealle ánræ-acute;dlíce tó him gecyrdon, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 9. Gesetnys ánræ-acute;dlíce (uniformiter) gehealden, R. Ben. I. 50, 3. II. of a single act, definitely, decidedly, positively, resolutely, without hesitation or uncertainty :-- Heó cwæð ánræ-acute;dlíce: 'Ne gewurð þæt náfre swá,' Hml. A. 128, 401: Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 37 : Hml. S. 18, 247. Drihten andwyrde ánræ-acute;dlíce Petre: 'Þú mé wiðsæcst,' Hml. Th. ii. 246, 3. Ic ánræ-acute;dlíce spræc ná módelíce I spoke resolutely, not proudly, Hml. S. 34, 325. Gé habbað gehýred ánræ-acute;dlíce hwæt eów tó dónne is you have heard definitely what there is for you to do, Ll. Th. ii. 362, 17. Hí swíðe ánræ-acute;dlíce wið þæs heres wæ-acute;ron they were very resolutely making their way towards the Danes, Chr. 1003; P. 135, 9. III. of continuous action, constantly, persistently, pertinaciously:-- Ánræ-acute;dlíce pertinaciter, constanter, An. Ox. 771. Ánræ-acute;dlíce syngian perseveranter peccare, Scint. 130, 16. Ánræ-acute;dlíce læ-acute;ran instanter erudire, 175, 17: Hml. Th. ii. 324, 33. þ-bar;æt hé wiðsace ánræ-acute;dlíce deófles gemánan, Wlfst. 32, 14. Ánræ-acute;dlíce gelýfan, 33, 10: H. R. 101, 30. Swíðe ánræ-acute;dlíce heó ætwát ðæ-acute;m hæ-acute;þnum, Shrn. 57, 33. þ-bar; hé ánræ-acute;dlíce gefulfremige þá gód þe hé beginne, Hml. A. 150, 154. Of þám dæge hí ánræ-acute;dlíce þóhton þ-bar; hí hyne ofslógon, 66, 20. [O. H. Ger. ein-rátlíhho constanter.]

an-ræ-acute;dnes. Add: I. unanimity, concord :-- Birðóerlic ánræ-acute;dnyss fraterna concordia, Scint. 13, 4. þ-bar; hí (bishops) smeágan ymbe ánræ-acute;dnesse and sóðe gesibsumnesse, Ll. Th. ii. 316, 12. II. of a single act, decision, resolution :--Heó mid módes ánræ-acute;dnesse áwrát óðer gewrit, Ap. Th. 21, 1. III. of continued action, constancy, perseverance, resolution :-- Ánræ-acute;dnes perseuerantia, assiduitas, An. Ox. 1163. Fortitudo, þ-bar; is strængð oððe ánrédnyss, Hml. S. 1, 165. Instantia boni operis, þ-bar; is ánræ-acute;dnyss gódes weorces, 16, 357. Óþer is módignyss, óþer is ánræ-acute;dnyss pride is one thing, constancy another, 34, 325. Wacigende on ealre ánræ-acute;dnysse (instantia), Scint. 30, 11: An. Ox. 75: constantia, 1653. Oferwinnan ásolcennysse mid sóðre ánræ-acute;dnysse, Hml. Th. ii. 222, 23: Hml. A. 20, 155. For heora ánræ-acute;dnisse and heora trýwðe wið God, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1. 2. Hé on gódum gelimpum ne forlæ-acute;t his ánræ-acute;dnesse, Wlfst. 51, 23. Ánræ-acute;dnysse statum (cordis), An. Ox. 4468.

án-reces. Add: [Connected with reccan as án-streces with streccan ?]

anrode, Bl. H. 137, 5. l. ánræ-acute;de or arode.

an-sæc, -sceát (-sceót), -sceón, -scód. v. and-sacu, on-sceótan, -scógan.

an-scuta, Hpt. Gl. 425, 14, read ansata. v. An. Ox. 786, note.

án-seld. Under this word for dwell in substitute turn to.

án-setl, es; n. A hermitage :-- Hí ánsetles wununge geceósaþ solitarii sedere desiderant, R. Ben. 135, 9.

án-setla, an ; m. An anchorite, a hermit :-- jÞæ-acute;r eardode sum swíþe myccles mægnes wer, sé wæs ánsetla in wéstenne illic vir quidam solitarius magnae virtutis habitabat, Gr. D. 306, 1. Þridde cyn muneca is ánsetlena (anachoritarum) þe hié sylfe on syndrigum húsum belúcaþ . . . Feórþe cyn is þára þe hý under leásum híwe ánsetlan teliaþ . . . ne wyrþ næ-acute;fre fulfremed sé þe on þus níwan anginne ánsetla beón wile . . . Nán man ne dear for árwyrðnesse þæs ánsetlan leahtras tæ-acute;lan, R. Ben. 134, 22 -- 135, 18. [O. H. Ger. ein-sidilo anachoreta, heremita.]

an-sín. Add: I. a face: -- Ansýn facies, Wrt. Voc. i. 70, 39. Hine Drihten cúðe of ansíne to ansíne, Deut. 34, 10. Hié gesáwon ródetácen on his onsiéne, Bl. H. 243, 13. Læ-acute;ded fore onsýne éces déman Cri. 796. Ic míne handa and ansýne (-u, v.l.) áðwóh, Hml. S. 23b, 502. Þanon ic ne wende onsión mine. El. 349. Ne áhwyrf þú þíne onsýne from mé, Bl. H. 89, 11. Anséna eówere ne beóð gescænde facies tuae won confundentur. Ps. L. 33, 6. Gefyll heora ansýna[n] mid teónan, 82, 17. Ansýna, Ps. Th. 81, 2. Ia. the surface of an object :-- On ansýne scræfes in superficie antri, An. Ox. 1888. II. sight, visible appearance :-- Næs þæs wyrmes þæ-acute;r onsýn æ-acute;nig there was nothing to be seen of the dragon, B. 2772. þ-bar; hé leng from Crístes onsýne wæ-acute;re that he should be longer without a sight of Christ, Bl. H. 225, 29. On Drihtnes onsýne wunian to dwell where God could be seen, 103, 33. Hé heora æ-acute;rendracan swá unweorðlíce forseah þ-bar; hé heora self onseón nolde legatos Romanorum injuriosissime a conspectu suo abstinuit, Ors. 4, 8; S. 186, 7. Ic mé warnade hyre onsýne, Gú. 1157. III. aspect, look, appearance, shape, form, (1) of living creatures :-- On læ-acute;ces ansýne (onsióne, v.l.) in medici specie, Gr. D. 161, 1. In culfran ansýne (specie), 169, 8. Onsiéne (corporis) habitudine, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 24. Hé geseah león ansýne, Guth. 46, 24. Fearres gelícnysse and beran ansýne, 48, 2. Englas gehwyrfde on manna onsýne, Bl. H. 233, 5. Gedyde ic þæt þú onsýn hæfdest mæ-acute;gwlite mé gelícne, Cri. 1383. (2) of things :--Seó sæ-acute; þe æ-acute;r gladu onsiéne wæs, Met. 5, 11. Seó cyrice is on onsýne útan yfeles heówes, Bl. H. 197, 11. Þá lástas á beóþ on þæ-acute;re ilcan onsýne þe hié on þá eorþan bestapene wæ-acute;ron, 127, 20. Þá ádle mon mæg ongitan be þám úgange, hwilc sé on onsýne sié, Lch. ii. 276.

an-speca. v. on-spreca in Dict.: an-spel. For Cot. 56 substitute :--Conjecturam anspel (cf. conjectionis bodunge, 67), Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 69.

an-spræ-acute;c. v. on-spræ-acute;c.

án-spræce. l. -spræ-acute;ce saying the same, unanimous :-- Worhton hý heora gemót and wæ-acute;ran ealle ánspræ-acute;ce loquebantur simul, Ps. Th. 40, 7. [Cf. O. Sax. én-wordi unanimous.]

án-standende. alone. Substitute :-- Munuc oððe ánstandende monachus, Wrt. Voc. i. 71, 81. Wolde hé ðá ánstandende ancerlíf ádreógan, Hml. Th. ii. 142, 27. Hé (Adam) wæs sutne hwíle ánstandende, i. 12, 32. Fleáh hé ánstandende tó ánre dúne, 162, 6. Þæt hié (hermits) ánstandende (sola manu) ongeán deófol winnan magan, R. Ben. 9, 7.

an-stiga(n), -stigo. v. stíga, stig in Dict. : an-styllan. v. on-stillan: án-súnd. l. an-sund: an-sweóp. v. swápan in Dict.: an-sýn. v. an-sín: an-tállic. Cf. un-tállíce in Dict.

antef(e)n, es; m.: e; f. Add: -- Bútan antefene (-ifene, v.l.), R. Ben. 37, 7. Gesungennum antefne, Angl. xiii. 403, 550. Cweþan þæne antefn, 422, 811. Þæt hý ne beginnen náðer ne sealm ne antefene (-efen, v.l.), R. Ben. 49, 5. Sealmas and antefenas, 39, 7. Antéfnas, Angl. xiii. 401, 518. Sealmas mid antefnan beón gecwedene, 402, 532. Syx sealmas mid þrím antefenum, R. Ben. 33, 13. Mid feówer sealmum geendod mid heora antephanum, 41, 10.

antefnere, es; m. An anthem-book :-- Antefnas on antefnere ( antiphonario), Angl. xiii. 405, 571: 409, 634.

an-þracian, -pracung, -þræc, -þræclic, -timber. v. on-þracian, -þracung, -þræc, -þræclic, -timber.

án-tíd. Add as an alternative meaning: An appointed hour, time when something is due:--Ymb ántíd óðres dógores wundenstefna gewaden hæfde þæt þá liðende land gesáwon, i. e. the boat was in sight of land at the time when it was due to be so. Cf. án-daga.

án-waldan. Dele.

an-weald, &c. In some of the following instances (e.g. anwald monarchiam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 45) perhaps ánweald, &c. should be read, but for the most part the passages may be taken as additions to the onweald, &c. forms, q. v.

an-weald; m. f. n.:--Anuuald (-uald, -uualda) monarchia, Txts. 76, 622. Anwald jus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 19. Hé wile reáfian ðone ðe hié him sealde his anwaldes jus dantis invadit, Past. 371, 25. On æ-acute;lcum ende mínes anwealdes, Ll. Th. i. 274, 2. Hú Assael hine unwærlíce mid anwealde ðreátode hunc cum Assael vi incautae praecipitationis impeteret. Past. 295, 14. On þæ-acute;m anwalde wæron Somnite swá bealde Pontius, dux eorum, in tantum abusus est victoriae securitate, Ors. 3, 8; S. 120, 31. Fón tó anwalde imperium tenere coepere, 6, 37; S. 294, 33. God hí hæ-acute;þenum leódum lét tó anwealde. Jud. pref. Anwald monarchiam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 45. Hé hæfþ his fóta anweald, Bt. 36, 4; F. 178, 11. Gynd ealne mínne anweald. Ll. Th. i. 246, 23. Ofer ealne þæs cynges anweald, 270, 1. Ðreáta ðæt hié wieten ðæt gé sume anwald habbað ofer hié argue cum omni imperio, Past. 291, 19. Hé þ-bar; anweald (þone anwald, v.l.) þæs ríces forlét regni sceptra reliquit, Bd. 5, 19 ; Sch. 653, 1. Potestates sind anwealdu. Hml. Th. i. 342, 28: 610, 23. Næs ná má cyninga anwalda bútan þysan þrím rícum. Ors. 1, 5; S. 34, 30. Bist ðú þæs deófles anwealdum betæ-acute;ht, Hml. Th. ii. 170, 8.

an-weald; adj. Powerful :-- Hi wuldrodon þá anwaldan and hergendlican þrynysse, Hml. S. 30, 452. v. an-wealdness.