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mus, Angl. viii. 312, 7. Ic ne mæg áwendan (immutare) Godes word, Num. 22, 18. Æ-acute;fre on æ-acute;fen byð his (the moon's) ylde áwend, Angl. viii. 309, 17. Áwende móde mutata mente, Past. 39, 22. Gelícost þám þe monna heortan áwende wurden, Ors. 5, 15; S. 250, 30. (4) to turn into something else, transform:--Drýmenn áwendon úre dohtor tó myran, Hml. S. 21, 482. Metaplasmus, þæt is áwend spræ-acute;c tó óðrum híwe, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 294, 18. Áwendre transfigurati, An. Ox. 158. Tó duste áwende, Hml. Th. 1, 72, 6. Cweð tó ðisum stánum þæt hí beón áwende tó hláfum, 166, 14. (5) to translate, reproduce something with other material. (a) of language:--Sé þe áwent of Ledene on Englisc, æ-acute;fre hé sceal gefadian hit swá þ-bar; þ-bar; Englisc hæbbe his ágene wísan, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 4, 8. Ræ-acute;dinga þe wé áwendon, Angl. viii. 333, 9. Hí (interjections) ne mægon náht eáðe tó óðrum gereorde beón áwende, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 280, 1. (b) of statuary:--Deófla anlícnysse gé áwendað on áre and on stánum, Hml. S. 8, 60. (6) to exchange:--Hwá áwent módignysse mid sóðre eádmódnysse, oððe hwá druncennysse mid sýfer&dash-uncertain;nysse, bútan strece?, Hml. Th. i. 360, 4. Heó áwende mutarit (bona corporis animi virtute), An. Ox. 8, 261. II. intrans. To turn, take a certain direction (lit. or fig.):--Þú eart of eorðan genumen, and þú áwenst tó eorðan. Þú eart dust, and ðú áwentst tó duste, Hml. Th. i. 18, 17. Hé áwent tó eorðan, Hml. S. 25, 363. Ne áwoendað (redeant) on bæcc, Lk. L. 17, 31. Ðæt teóðe werod áwende on yfel, Hml. Th. i. 10, 18. Ðá gyldenan gyrda eft tó þan æ-acute;rran gecynde áwendon, 68, 19. Somnite áwendan on óþre wísan Samnites novum habitum sumentes, Ors. 3, 10; S. 138, 30. Áwoended wæs reversa est, Lk. L. 1, 56. Áwoendo woeron reversi sunt, 10, 17. [Goth. us-wandjan to turn aside: O. H. Ger. ar-wenten avertere, reducere, immutare.] v. un-áwended, áwendende.
á-wendedlic. Add:--Gesceaft brosniendlic and áwendedlic (capable of change), Hml. Th. ii. 270, 8. Swurd áwendedlic (-endlic, v. l.) gladium versatilem, Angl. vii. 30, 286. Mobilia (pronomina), þæt is áwendedlice (-endlice, v. l.) fram cynne tó cynne, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 94, 13: 20, 3, 9. v. un-áwendedlic.
á-wendedlicness, e; f. Changeableness, mutability:--Æ-acute;lc gesceaft is ýdelnesse underðeód, þæt is, áwendedlicnysse, for ðan ðe hí beóð áwende fram brosnunge tó unbrosnunge, Hm. Th. ii. 206, 1.
á-wendedness. Add:--Hwæt is gódra manna deáð búton áwendednys and færr fram deáðe tó ðám écan lífe?, Hml. Th. ii. 232, 23. Gif hwá ræ-acute;de ic bidde þ-bar; hé þás áwændednesse (translation) ne tæ-acute;le, Ap. Th. 28, 18. On áwændednyssum (commutationibus) heora, Ps. L. 43, 13.
á-wendendlic (v. á-wendedlic). Add:--Ðæt ylce swurd wæs áwendendlic the sword might be turned aside, Hex. 28, 3. Mid áwendenlicum méce romphea versatili, An. Ox. 1151. God ána unáwendendlic wunaþ and eallra ðára áwendendlicra welt rerum orbem mobilem rotat, dum se immobilem conservat, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 10. v. un-áwendendlic,
á-wendendness, e; f. Changeableness, change:--Ýdelnys &l-bar; áwendendnys vanitas, Ps. L. 38, 6. Áwendennessa permutationes, An. Ox. 191.
á-wending. Add:--Áwendincg subversio, Scint. 188, 4: inmutatio, 225, 15.
á-wenian. Add:--Hí unwære men beswícaþ and ádwellaþ and hí áweniaþ from Godes gemynde, Bl. H. 61, 24. Áwenide suspenderat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 62. Áwæned cild ablactatus, Ps. L. 130, 2. Áwened, Ps. Srt. 130, 2.
á-weódian. Add:--Æ-acute;r man áweódige þá unriht and þá mánweorc þe man wíde sæ-acute;wð, Wlfst. 243, 19. Æ-acute;lc unriht bétan and unweód áweódian and gód sæ-acute;d áræ-acute;ran, 73, 2.
á-weorpan. Add: I. lit. to throw, cast, cause rapid or violent movement of a body, (1) the agene personal:--Hé út áwearp þá sceomolas and þá setl, Bl. H. 71, 18. Hé þone ealdan feónd on helle grund áwearp, 87, 20. Bútan man ðá mæ-acute;dene áwurpe of þám búre, Hml. S. 35, 69. Daniel wæs áworpen þám leónum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 10, 4. Þæt hé wurde áworpen ðám here, Hml. Th. ii. 502, 14. (2) the agent not a person:--Se stranga wind hí on þ-bar; land áwearp, Chr. 1075; P. 209, 37: 1009; P. 138, 26 note. Wearð hé ádúne áworpen of his horse, Gr. D. 14, 17. I a. to throw away:--Heó áwearp þá cartan, Hml. S. 3, 640. I b. to throw up food:--Þonne se man mete þigð, þonne áwyrpð hé eft, Lch. ii. 204, 9. II. fig. (1) of change in condition:--Heó on þis wræcwíte áworpen wæs, Bl. H. 5, 26. (2) to throw off, free one's self from:--Of him selfum áweorpan ðá ðióstro his módes, Bt. 35, 6; F. 166, 26. (3) to cast out, expel:--Áwearp expulit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 38. Út áweorp ð(ú) ejice (derisorem), Kent. Gl. 824. Þá setl þe deófol of áworpen wæs, Bl. H. 121, 35. Hié hæfdun hiera cyning áworpenne, Chr. 867; P. 68, 19. (4) to reject, cast away or off, renounce, (a) with person as object:--Áwerpeð execratur, An. Ox. 56, 89. Gif wíf áwyrpð hire ágenne wer, Hml. Th. ii. 324, 1. Ic hine (Saul) áwearp, 64, 5. (b) object not a person:--Manege þára þe mé ne lícodon ic áwearp, Ll. Th. i. 58, 19. Hí áwurpon þá ealdan dysignesse abjecta prisca superstitione, Bd. 4, 13; Sch. 419, 13. Ne áwearp ðú ne abjicias (disciplinam), Kent. Gl. 37. Æ-acute;lcne hæ-acute;ðendóm áweorpan,
Ll. Th. i. 166, 12. Áworpenne reprobatum, An. Ox. 40, 6. (5) to cost down, trouble:--Mágos áweorpð propinquos abjicit (troubleth his own flesh, A. V.), Kent. Gl. 368. Bið áworpen dejicitur (spiritus), 518. Áworpenra dejectior, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 3. [Goth. us-wairpan to cast out, off: O. H. Ger. ar-werfen e-, de-, re-jicere.]
á-weorþan. Add:--Áwyrþ tabescit, An. Ox. 5487. Áworden bigener, Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 19. ¶ in Northern Gospels = ge-weorþan:--Forð áworðað peribunt, Mt. L. 26, 52. Áwærð &l-bar; gewærð facta, 13, 21. Áwarð (giwarð, R.), Mk. L. 15, 33. Þ-bar;te áworðe &l-bar; þ-bar;te hiá sé áworden fieri, Lk. L. 21, 31. The p. p. occurs frequently.
á-weosung. Add:--Áweosung subsistentia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 60.
á-werd. l. á-werde, and dele = a-wered . . . a-werdan: a-wergian. v. á-wirgan.
á-werian. I. Add: (1) to defend against attack:--Þá burg áwerede þæt folc þe þæ-acute;r binnan wæs, Chr. 921; P. 101, 9. Hié þá ceastre áweredon, 885; P. 78, 12: Ors. 4, 13; S. 210, 33. (2) to protect from hurt, secure:--Wé áweriað ús mid þæ-acute;re segene, áweriað eów mid þæ-acute;re láre fremminge, Hml. Th. ii. 402, 26. Wé willað áwerian ús, Ll. Th. ii. 364, 13. (3) in the phrase land áwerian, v. werian, III c:--Hé mid his scette áwerede ðæt land, C. D. vi. 183, 10. [O. H. Ger. ar-werren.] á-werian, II. v. á-wirgan. á-werian, III. v. next word.
á-werian to wear out:--On sumera seó cúle sceal beón þynne oððe eald áwered, R. Ben. 88, 12.
á-wéstan. Add:--Ómm and moððan hit áwéstað aerugo et tinea demolitur, Hml. Th. ii. 104, 30. Áwoestun desolaverunt, Ps. Srt. 78, 7. Áwéstan grassari, An. Ox. 5343. Hí woldon áwéstan þá Iudéiscan, Hml. S. 25, 386. Þá burg áwéstan, Ors. 2, 7; S. 90, 14. Se cyng létt áwéstan þ-bar; land ábútan þá sæ-acute;, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 4. Þæne áwéstendan deófol, Angl. viii. 330, 25. Áwéstendum populantibus, An. Ox. 2715. Gehwilce æ-acute;nlípige sind mid fæ-acute;rlicum slihte áwéste, Hml. Th. ii. 124, 10. [O. Sax. á-wóstian: O. H. Ger. ar-wósten vastare.]
á-wéstedness, e; f. Desolation:--Lá hú sint hig gewordene tó áwéstednysse (in desolationem), Ps. L. 72, 19. v. á-wéstness.
á-wéstend, es; m. A devastator, destroyer:--Þone áwyrgedan engel þone men áwéstend hátað, Wlfst. 200, 19.
á-wéstness. Add: destruction, devastation:--Húses áwéstnes, Lch. iii. 168, 16. Áwéstnesse his góda ðæt tácnað, 176, 5. v. á-wéstedness.
á-wídlian; p. ode. I. of physical impurity, to contaminate, defile, pollute:--Sé ðe áwiht þicge þæs ðe hund áwídlige (inquinaverit), Ll. Th. ii. 216, 10. Be áwídledum swýnum de inquinatis porcis, 130, 31. II. of moral impurity, to profane, pollute:--Áwítliende profanando (pudicitiae jura), An. Ox. 2743. Tunge mín mid æ-acute;lcere leásunge ys áwídlud (profanata), Angl. xi. 117, 41. v. un-áwídlod.
á-wiht. Add: , ó-wiht, óht. I. substantive (1) alone:--Him þæ-acute;r ówiht ne derede, Dan. 274. (2) with governed gen.:--Ne sceþþeð þé wólberendes áwiht, Lch. i. 326, 19. Ne mæg ðæs unrihtes beón áwiht bedígled, Bl. H. 111, 1. Æ-acute;r þon óht þisses æ-acute;fre gewurde, Cri. 238. Unc ne gedæ-acute;lde nemne deáð ána ówiht elles, Kl. 23. Náge hió his ierfes ówiht (áwuht, v. l.), Ll. Th. i. 66, 19. Gif hé æ-acute;fre þæs organes ówiht cúðe, Sal. 33. Heó ówiht swylces ne hýrdon, El. 571. Ymbe ówiht elles, Seef. 46. Æ-acute;niges teónan óht ongitan, Gr. D. 35, 27. Óht (áht, æ-acute;nig þing, v. ll.) wundorlices wyrcan, 45, 5. I a. predicate subst. or adj. any good, good for anything:--Deófol mót æ-acute;lces mannes áfandigan, hwæðer hé áht sý oððe náht, Hml. Th. i. 268, 12. Hwæðer heora geþanc áht sý, Wlfst, 11, 13. Þá þe áhte syndon, hí sculon beón ofslagene, 295, 14. II. oblique cases used adverbially:--Nis þæt ówihtes gód it is no good, Dan. 429. Átes-hwón (v. nátes-hwón) ullatenus, Angl. xiii. 434, 987. Áreccan fier ówihte to recount any further, Cri. 248. Leng ówihte, 343: An. 801. Láðra ówihte, B. 2432. Gif man þæt fýr sceal tó áhte ácwæncan if the fire is to be effectually extinguished, Wlfst. 157, 9. Ealle þá ðe Crýst áwyht cúðon, Hml. A. 188, 208. Heó nán land hæfde þe him áht tó gebyrede that in any way belonged to him, Cht. Th. 337, 23. Wé sculon óðrum mannum áht fremian we shall somewhat benefit other men, Ll. Th. ii. 332, 3. Ne mid segle ne mid rówette ówiht (quicquam) fremian, Bd. 5, 1; Sch. 551, 16. Náhwæ-acute;r næs næ-acute;nigu sméþnes þ-bar; man mihte áht tó þan lytelne wyrttún gewyrcan ad quemlibet parvum hortum excolendum nulla patebat planities, Gr. D. 49, 4. v. ná-wiht, and áht, á-wuht in Dict.
á-wildian. Add: I. of persons:--Sume synd tó mándæ-acute;de on dyrnlican gálscipe inne áídlode and úte áwildode, Ll. Th. ii. 322, 15. II. of uncultivated growth:--Gif se wíngeard ne bið on riht gescreádod, ne bið hé wæstmbæ-acute;re, ac for hraðe áwildað, Hml. Th. ii. 74, 15.
á-wilian. v. á-wilw(i)an.
á-willan. Substitute for references Wrt. Voc. i. 290, 45, 56: ii. 25, 69, and add:--Áwyl on súrum ealað, Lch. ii. 34, 14. Áwylle on buteran, 17. Þonne hit beó æ-acute;ne áwylled, iii. 14, 15. On áwyldum ealað, ii. 114, 11.
á-wille ( = án-?, on-?); adv. Boldly; procaciter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 43.
á-wiltan; p. te. I. to roll (trans.):--Huá eft &l-bar; áwæltes (-wælte,