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c. 55: Aðalsteinn konungr tók gullhring af hendi sér, ok dró á blóðre&dash-uncertain;filinn, ok rétti yfir eldinn til Egils. See also Coll. M. 22, 35 under beáh
(3)), Ædelst. 2. Þ-bar; him God forgyue . . . and eác swá his beáhgifan, þ-bar; is se sélesða sinces brytta Ælfryd, Gr. D. 2, 14.
beáh-hyrne, an; f. A corner of the eye:--Yrqui beáhhyrne vel agneras volvos dicimus angulos oculorum, Wrt. Voc. i. 43, 2. v. beáh (4).
be-áhsian. v. be-áscian.
bealcan. Add:--Dæg dæges bealceþ wurd, Ps. L. 18, 3. [To balke ructo, Wülck. Gl. 608, 31.]
bealcettan. Add: I. to belch:--Þonne þurh múð bitere hræ-acute;cð oþþe bealcet, Lch. ii. 192, 13. Hé sceal oft bealcettan, 236, 14. II. to come forth:--Of þríh balcetteþ (cum) de (sepulchri) tumba (pulvis) ebulliat, An. Ox. 1884. III. to utter:--Mín heorte bealcet good word, Ps. Th. 44, 1. Bylcetteþ eructuat, i. a corde emittit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 12. Ðá láre hé mid hunigswéttre þrotan bealcette, Hml. Th. ii. 118, 22.
beald. Add: (1) bold, confident:--Bald fretus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 109, 26: fretus, confidens, presumptus, 36, 12. Bealwes tó beald, Bl. H. 109, 28. Hé næs náht beald him tó tó gánne, Gr. D. 132, 13. Se bealda Hieu, Hml. S. 18, 359. Hí hæfden on bendum æ-acute;nne bealdne ðeóf, Barraban (cf. æ-acute;nne strangne (insignem) þeófmann, Mt. 27, 16), Hml. Th. ii. 252, 11. Wæ-acute;ron Somnite swá bealde in tantum abusus est victoriae securitate, Ors. 3, 8; S. 120, 32. Wæs hé bealdra (baldra, v. l.) geworden on þæ-acute;re frignesse constantior interrogando factus, Bd. 2, 12; Sch. 157, 15. Þ-bar; hí þý baldran and þý unforhtran wæ-acute;ron, 3, 18; Sch. 274, 21. Ðæt hié (elati) ne sién bealdran and orsorgran ðonne hié scylen ne plus quam decet sint liberi, Past. 302, 14. Hié beóð bealdran ðá gódan tó suenc&dash-uncertain;eanne se robustius bonorum afflictionibus illidunt, 361, 14. (2) bold, impudent:--Bald frontuosus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 109, 29: 151, 27. Sió balde frontosa (impudentia), 85, 27. v. heáfod-beald.
bealdlíce. Add: (1) boldly, confidently:--Baldlíce instanter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 12: fiducialiter, Angl. xiii. 38, 313: Ps. L. 11, 6: Wlfst. 284, 23. Ballíce, Rtl. 66, 13: audacter, Mk. L. R. 15, 43. Bealdlíce, Gr. D. 212, 8. Hú dearst þú æ-acute;fre þus bealdlíce læ-acute;ran praedicare quomodo praesumis?, 32, 10: 135, 30. Hé bealdlíce clypað: 'Dém, lá déma,' Wlfst. 254, 7: 256, 6. Ábræ-acute;d Petrus bealdlíce his swurd, Hml. Th. ii. 246, 22. Hí Crístes naman andetton bealdlíce betwux gedwol&dash-uncertain;mannum, 558, 24. Baldlícor fiducialius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 75. (2) boldly, impudently:--Bealdlíce procaciter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 57. Baldlíce achariter, 10, 17.
beald-ness. e; f. Boldness:--Hé mid micelre baldnesse cíðde þ-bar; se Hæ-acute;lend wæ-acute;re sóð Godes sunu, Shrn. 31, 34.
beald-wyrde; adj. Bold in speech, saucy:--Se biscop him andwyrde: 'Ðú earming, . . .' Se cwellere mid gebolgenum móde cwaeð: 'Gif ðes bealdwyrda biscop (this saticy priest) ácweald ne bið, siððan ne bið úre ege ondræ-acute;dendlic,' Hml. Th. i. 420, 2.
bealo(-u); n. Add: I. hurt, mischief, destruction:--Þæ-acute;r wæs þ-bar; brýdealo þ-bar; wæs manegra manna bealo (mannum tó beala, v. l.), Chr. 1075; P. 210, 35. Þæt bráde bealo and se byrnenda grund, Wlfst. 186, 11. Hit bið him sylfum tó bealowe geðyged, Hml. Th. i. 266, 14. I a. a noxious thing:--Bollan mid bealuwe (with a noxious draught) áfylled, Hml. S. 14, 68. Þæt his yrþ sí geborgen wið ealra bealwa gehwylc, Lch. i. 402, 10. II. malice:--Þone láreów selfne þæs bealwes ipsum malitiae magistrum, Gr. D. 121, 12. Ne níþa tó georn, ne bealwes tó beald, Bl. H. 109, 28. Hé wæs bealwes full, Hml. S. 7, 396. Gebealh hine Acitofel and mid bealwe wearð áfylled, 19, 208: Ps. Th. 58, 2.
bealo(-u); adj. Add:--Swá inc se balewa hét handþegen helle, Sat. 484. Uton gescyldan ús wið þá bealewan synne, Wlfst. 145, 18. Ic bealuwara weorc gebiden hæbbe, sárra sorga, Kr. 79. Hine sár hafað befongen balwon bendum (cf. bealo-bend), B. 977. Sé inc forgeaf balewe geþóhtas, Sat. 488.
bealo-bend, es; m. A grievous bond, chain:--Swá hwæt swá gé gebindab hér ofer eorðan fæstum bealubendum (cf. B. 977) for yfelum gewyrhturn, Wlfst. 178, 2.
bealo-dæ-acute;d. Add: [O. Sax. balu-dád: O. H. Ger. palo-tát maleficium.]: bealo-full. Add: v. un-bealofull: bealo-hýdig. Add: [O. Sax. balu-hugdig.]
bealo-leás. Add:--Wæs á blíðemód bealuleás kyng (Edward the Confessor), þeáh hé wunode wræclástum, Chr. 1065; P. 194, 3.
bealu; adj. v. bealo; adj.: bealo(-u)-ware. Dele and see bealo; adj.
beám. Add: I. a tree:--Nim æ-acute;lces treówcynnes dæ-acute;l bútan heardan beáman (cf. tree heard arborem sicomorum, Lk. L. 19, 4), Lch. i. 398, 8. v. ciris-, cist-, cisten-, cwic-, cráwan-, fúl-, hnut-, mór-, wanan-beám. V. a beam, post:--Beám trabes, Wrt. Voc. i. 82, 13: trabs, 290, 6. Swá swá greát beám (or tree?) on wyda wyrcþ hlúdne dynt, Bt. 38, 2; F. 198, 9. Of beáme de stipite, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 10. Tó earnes beáme (or tree?) . . . fram earnes beáme, C. D. ii. 73, 25. Dúnstán ána ætstód uppon ánum beáme (in uno de laquearibus), Chr. 978; P. 123, 3. Se leóma wæs swilce ormæ-acute;te beám, 1106; P. 240, 21. Heora earmas wæ-acute;ron swá ormæ-acute;te beámas, Hml. S. 4, 288. Gewyrcean tor of treówum and of mycclum beámum, Bl. H. 187, 12. Man þá beámas gelegð and þá ræftras tó þæ-acute;re fyrste gefæstnað, Angl. viii. 324, 9. v. sýl-, wín&dash-uncertain;beám. V a. a beam as part of an implement:--Borige hé on þám beáme (of the plough), Lch. i. 402, 1. v. scear-, sulh-, web-beám. VI. a beam of light:--Blódig wolcen on mistlice beámas wæs gehíwod, Chr. 979; P. 122, 26. v. sunn-beám.
beám a trumpet. v. bíme: -beámen. v. cwic-beámen: beámere. v. bímere.
beám-weg, es; m. A road made with logs, a corduroy road:--On beámweg (cf. stánweg, 15), C. D. B. i. 417, 17.
beán. Add:--Beán cicer, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 82: 14, 37: falla, 35, 13: legumen, 52, 14. Gegrunden beán faba pressa, 39, 68: 146, 62. Fugles beán vicium, 123, 57. Beána fabae, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 84, 6. Heó hafað sæ-acute;d swylce beána, Lch. i. 238, 19. Greáte beáne, iii. 56, 21. Alwan leáf swelc swá biþ þreó beána, ii. 228, 6. Ádríge beána, 70, 20. Beána gesodene, 44, 17. Healde hé hine wiþ beána, 214, 3. Gif þú beána habban wile, Tech. ii. 123, 16: Coll. M. 34, 27. Sum him mid bær beána mid wætere ofgotene, Hml. S. 23 b, 128. Beána sáwan, Angl. ix. 262, 7.
beán-belgas. Add:--Of beánbælgum, Lk. L. 15, 16. Þá swín æ-acute;ton beánbelgas (-bylgas, -coddas, v. ll.), Gr. D. 106, 31.
beán-cynn, es; n. A kind of bean:--Beáncyn cicer, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 39.
beán-land, es; n. Land on which beans are grown:--Ðone þriddan æcer beánlandes, C. D. iii. 366, 20.
beán-melu, wes; n. Bean-meal:--Genim beánmela, Lch. ii. 84, 4.
beán-sæ-acute;d, es; n. Bean-seed, beans for sowing:--Tó beánsæ-acute;de xl. pene[ga], Cam. Phil. Soc. 1902, p. 15.
beán-scealas. l. -scealu, e; f., and add:--Beánscalu quisquiliarum, An. Ox. 608. Bénsceala (printed -sæala), Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 16.
beán-stede, es; m. A place where beans are grown?:--Tó beánstede . . . of beánstede, C. D. iii. 425, 19.
beard. Add:--Beard barba, Wrt. Voc. i. 64, 42. Beard him beón bescoren hearm hit getácnað, Lch. iii. 198, 28. Se beard and þ-bar; feax wæ-acute;ron oþ þá fét síde, Shrn. 120, 25. Mid sídum bearde, Hml. Th. i. 466, 24. Ælfsige mid þám berde, Cht. E. 257, 1. Læ-acute;des mannes tácen is þæt þú þé mid ealre hande be þínum cynne nime, swilce þú þé be bearde niman wille, Tech. ii. 129, 17. Wé læ-acute;rað þ-bar; æ-acute;nig gehádod man . . . his beard æ-acute;nige hwíle ne hæbbe, Ll. Th. ii. 254, 13. Þonne hé (one entering a monastery) his beard áléde, Hml. S. 6, 2228. Hí habbað beardas oþ cneów síde, Nar. 35, 2: 38, 1. ¶ beardas (used of a single person) beard and whiskers:--Þ-bar; hire wolden beardas weaxan on þám andwlitan, Gr. D. 279, 10. Hé hæfð síde beardas, hwón hárwencge, Hml. Th. i. 456, 18. v. wang-beard.
beard-leás. Dele: 'also a hawk or buzzard'; and add:--Beardleás inpubis, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 56, 2. Beardleáses effebi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 54. Beardleásum rince effebo hircitallo, An. Ox. 4, 57. Beardleásne effebum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 16. Beardleáse inuestes, An. Ox. 16, 2.
Beard-sæ-acute;tan(-e); pl. The people (or district) of Bardney:--Æþel&dash-uncertain;réde, se wæs æ-acute;r cyning, wæs ðá Beardsæ-acute;tena abbud, Bd. 5, 19; S. 641, 5.
bearg. Add:--Bearug, berg majalis, Txts. 78, 652: magialis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 55, 51. Bearg porcaster, 97, 19. Bearh magalis, i. 78, 35. Worn berga . . . in ðá bergas (ðám bergum, L.) grex porcorum . . . in porcos, Mk. R. 5, 11, 12, 13. Sunor bergana grex porcorum, Lk. L. 8, 32. Ðá bergas porcos, 15, 15. Berg, Mt. L. 7, 6. v. mæstel-bearg.
bearhtm-hwæt. v. berhtm-, breahtum-hwæt in Dict.
bearhtm. A twinkling of an eye, an instant: Add:--On breahtme in atomo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 27: 46, 60. Þonne (at the last day) englas bláwað býman on brehtme (cf. 1 Cor. xv. 52), Cri. 882.
bearhtm-hwíl. Add:--Þ-bar; þ-bar; waes án brehtmhwíl (breahtm-, v. l.), þá heó þ-bar; heáfod upp áhóf and se regn ofdúne feóll quatenus unum idemque esset momentum, et levare caput et pluviam deponere, Gr. D. 168, 6. Þá hraðe on þá ylcan tíd næs án brehtmhwíl tó ðon þ-bar; se cniht gewearð geswænced hora eadem ac momento puer vexatus est, 242, 30. Gif hé mihte on ánre bearhtmhwíle (berhtm-, v. l.) swá feorr gefaran si tam longe potuit sub momento ire, 150, 12. Áne berhtmhwíle (bærht-, v. l.) áswygode seó stefn parvo momenta vox siluit, 52, 28. v. beorht-hwíl.
bearhtmian to resound. v. breahtmian.
bearm. Add:--Bearm gremium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 65. Hé hlenode on þæs Hæ-acute;lendes bearme, Shrn. 32, 19. Hosp þone ic behæfde on bearme (sinu) mínum, Ps. Spl. 88, 49. ¶ with the idea of possession, cf. hand:--Hé bróhte him tó bearme stánas, bæd him for hungre hláfas wyrcan, Sat. 672. Him tó bearme cwom máððumfæt mæ-acute;re, B. 2404. Hiá sellað on barm iuer, Lk. L. 6, 38.
bearm-rægl. l. -hrægel: bearm-teág. v. beorm-teáh.
bearn. Add:--Bearn soboles, bearn (má = pl.) liberi, Wrt. Voc. i. 72, 26, 27: pignus, ii. 66, 64. Bearna bearn pronepotibus, 76, 69. Nefena bearnum, An. Ox. 850. Betwuh bearnum inter natos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 46. v. wæ-acute;pned-bearn.