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4134: pontificium, 5055: flamina, 7, 102. Ægelbryht onféng Wesseaxna bis&c-tilde;dómes, Chr. 650; P. 28, 5. Hlóþhere féng tó biscepdóme ofer Wesseaxan, 670; P. 34, 12. On his bisceopdóme (-háde, v. l.) binnan Affrican scíre, Hml. A. 5, 108. [v. N. E. D. bishop-doom. O. H. Ger. piscof-tuom (bisc(e)-) dioecesis, episcopatus, sacerdotium.].

bisceop-ealdor, es; m. A chief priest :-- Þá bisceopealdras (pontifices) embe úrne Drihten ræ-acute;ddon, Hml. A. 65, 2: 67, 51.

bisceop-folgoþ, es; m. The episcopal office, episcopate :-- Tó þám þ-bar; hi þone bisceopfolgoþ and hád mid gebicgean þóhte pro adipiscendo episcopatu, Gr. D. 65, 31.

bisceop-hád. Add :-- Biscophád pontificium, Rtl. 59, 11: flaminium, An. Ox. 5056. Biscophádes pontificatus, i. episcopatus, 2989. Þ-bar; wé þás þing cýðon be þám tíman his bisceophádes, Gr. D. 67, 25. Se abbod þes biscophádes gernde, Chr. 1048; P. 172, 10. Ðá geár gefilled wæ-acute;ron his bysceophádes (-háda, v. l.), Bd. 3, 17; Sch. 267, 7: 4, 5; Sch. 380, 13. Twégen bisceophádes men, Hml. S. 23, 365. His sunu on biscepháde (sacerdotem), Ors. 4, 4; S. 164, 31. Tó bisscepháde teón, Past. 61, 6. Hé féng tó his sweorde æfter his biscupháde, Chr. 1056; P. 186, 28. Hé þon bisceopháde onféng in Turnan, ... and hé his bisceophád gedéfelíce geheóld, Bl. H. 219, 24-31. Be biscophádum ... hú bisceophádas wurdan æ-acute;rest ástealde ... hú bisceophád sceolde of manegan cynrynan áspringan, Wlfst. 175, 17-176, 6, 11. Biscophádas flamina, Wrt. Voc. ii. 35, 68: flaminea, i. episcopali gradus, 149, 7. [v. N. E. D. bishop-hood. O. H. Ger. piscof-heit sacerdotium.]

bisceop-hádung, e; f. Ordination as bishop :-- Þá underféng se hálga wer bisceophádunge, and þone hád geheóld, Hml, S. 31, 286.

bisceop-hám, es; m. An episcopal estate :-- Ic gean þes landes æt Hedhám ... intó Paulusbyrig æt Lundænæ tó bisceophámæ, Cht. Th. 520, 14. Tó biscopháme, 523, 23. On æ-acute;lcon bisceopháme æ-acute;lcon men freót þe wíteþeów wæ-acute;re, Cht. Crw. 23, 28. Sæ bisceop him dó hira fullan fóstær of his bisceophámum episcopus eos de suis propriis episcopalibus uillis pleniter pascat, C. D. v. 219, 4. [Cf. the place-name Bispham.]

bisceop-heáfodlín. v. biscop-heáfod-lín in Dict.

bisceop-híred, es; m. The clergy subject to a bishop :-- Biscophírede cleri (ad calumniam pontificis et infamiam cleri, Ald. 41, 2: cf. gloss on the passage. An. Ox. 3006 :-- Cleri, i. famili&e-hook;, i. populi preósthíredes), Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 28: 18, 28. Se biscop þrowade martyrdóm mid ealle his biscophírede, Shrn. 105, 18.

bisceop-hyrde. Dele, and see preceding word.

bisceopian. Retain only: To confirm; confirmare, and add :-- Ne hine (one not knowing the Creed and Pater noster) mon fulluhte fullian ne móste, ne biscopian, Ll. Th. ii. 418, 36. Se biscop is geset tó máran bletsunge ðonne se massepreóst sý, þ-bar; is ... men tó biscopienne, 378, 22. [v. N. E. D. to bishop.] v. ge-bisceopian, un-bisceopod, bisceopung.

bisceop-lic. Add: I. bishop-like, proper to a bishop :-- Hé ne gefremede náht biscoplices, Chr. 1050; P. 170, 20. II. episcopal, pontifical :-- Biscoplic wurðscipe flamininus honor, Wrt. Voc. i. 59, 54. Biscoplic stól pontificalis cathedra, An. Ox. 2029. Tó biscoplicum synoðe ad pontificale (episcopale) conciliabulum, 3, 1. [v. N. E. D. bishoplike, -ly.]

bisceop-ríce. Add :-- Leódbisceop episcopus, bisceopríce diocessis vel parochia, Wrt. Voc. i. 71, 72. Cúþ þám biscope þe seó hálige stów on his bisceopríce is in notitiam episcopi ad cujus diocessim pertinet locus, R. Ben. 119, 9. Gedæ-acute;len hí þæt feoh geond þá biscoprícea, C. D. B. iii. 75, 22. Biscopríca parrochias, diocesis, An. Ox. 2033. v. bisceop-scír.

bisceop-ród, e; f. A cross worn by a bishop :-- ii. bisceopróde, C. D. iv. 275, 11.

bisceop-scír a diocese. Add :-- Biscopscír diocessis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 28. Ealle þá witan þe in þæ-acute;re biscopscíre (-ríce, v. l.) (episcopio) wæ-acute;ron, Gr. D. 67, 30. Sumne híred on his (St. Martin) bisceopscíre, Bl. H. 225, 6. Wæs tódæ-acute;led in tuá bis&c-tilde;scíra West-Seaxna lond; æ-acute;r hit wæs án, Chr. 709; P. 40, 26.

bisceop-seonoþ, es; m. A synod of bishops :-- Se bisceopsinoð þæs Nícéniscan geþeahtes, Angl. xi. 8, 1.

bisceop-setl an episcopal see. Add :-- Landfranc wæs geháded on his ágenurn bis&c-tilde;setle, Chr. 1070; P. 204, 4. Se apostol gesæt biscepsetl in Antiochia, 35; P. 6, 15. Þæt biscepsetl on Hrofesceastre, 633; P. 24, 21.

bisceop-stæf. v. next word.

bisceop-stól. Add: I. a bishop's chair (cf. chair of St. Peter), episcopal authority :-- Cathedra is gereht bisceopstól on Englisc, and se hálga Petrus wæs áhafen on þám dæge on his bisceopstól. Þone stól hé gesæt seofon geár, Hml. S. 10, 4-7. Candelstæf candelabrum, bisceopstæf (? l. -stól) cathedra, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 5. On setl biscopstóles in sedem pontificatus, Bd. 5, 23; Sch. 692, 1. Hé wæs tó bisceope gehálgod tó þám bisceopstóle æt Seolesígge, Chr. 980; P. 122, 29. Hé gesæt þone bisceopstól an þára twégra apostola dæge on Wintanceastre, 984; P. 124, 5. Hé betæ-acute;hte his bisceopstól óþrum bisceope, Hml. S. 29, 112. II. in a local sense, (1) a bishop's see, cathedral town :-- Geáfon hí him tó bisceopstóle þá burh Dorcanceaster, and hé þæ-acute;r binnan wunode, Hml. S. 26, 135. Ic tó æ-acute;lcum biscepstóle on mínum ríce wille áne onsendan, Past. 7, 25. Þ-bar; æ-acute;lc bisceop bið æt his bisceopstóle (in sede episcopali), Ll. Th. ii. 178, 1. He is bebyrged æt his &b-tilde;stóle, Chr. 1069; P. 204, 10. (2) a bishop's palace :-- Fæ-acute;ringa cómon þearfan tó þám bisceopstóle (tó þám biscope, v. l.) subito ad episcopium pauperes venerunt, Gr. D. 63, 29. [v. N. E. D. bishop-stool.]

bisceop-sunu, a; m. A spiritual son at confirmation (v. bisceopian) :-- Gif hwá óðres godsunu sleá ... Gif hit biscepsunu sié, Ll. Th. i. 150, 20 (cf. In baptismate et confirmatione unus potest esse pater, ii. 58, § 22). Hé (pope Leo) hiene (Alfred) him tó biscepsuna nam (cf. Asser: ad manum episcopi in filium confirmationis aeceptus), Chr. 853; P. 64, 30. (v. note ii. p. 79.)

bisceop-þegnung, -þénung episcopal ministration. Add :-- Hé wæs bewered fram þæ-acute;re biscopþegnunge ab administrando episcopatu prohibito, Bd. 4, 5; Sch. 380, 17. Hé forlét his biscopþegnunge relicto episcopatus officio, 3, 24; Sch. 312, 13. Hé him biscopþéninge (ministerium episcopale) séceað tó Westseaxna biscope, 5, 23; Sch. 691, 4.

bisceopung, e; f. Confirmation :-- Se Hálga Gást ðás gyfa tódæ-acute;lð ... ealswá biscopas on biscpunge tó Gode sylfum wilniað, Wlfst. 51, 14. Hí setton heora handa ofer geleáffulle men, and him com tó se Hálga Gást ðurh heora biscepunge. Biscopas sind þæs ylcan hádes on Godes gelaþunge, and healdað dá gesetnysse on heora biscepunge, and biddað þæt se ælmihtiga Wealdend him sende ðá seofonfealdan gife his Gástes, Hml. Th. i. 328, 2-7. v. bisceopian.

bisceop-wíte, es; n. Substitute: A fine payable to a bishop (cf. e.g. Ll. Th. i. 262, § 3: 474, § 17) :-- Ðæt ðe scýrbiscop ... hádinge ne dó on ðis abbotríce, búton seó abbod hit him bydde, ne biscopwíte episcopus dioceseos ... non ordinationem ... sine abbatis fauore arroget, ... neque ... in omni priuilegio ipsius juris quicquam praeter abbatis assensum accipiat vel faciat, C. D. v. 28, 35.

bisceop-wyrt. Add :-- Biscopuuyrt hibiscum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 37. Biscopwyrt gerabotane, 42, 26.

bisceop-wyrtel (?) bishop's weed :-- Biscopwyrtil gerobotana vel verbena vel sagmen, Wrt. Voc. i. 31, 14.

bísen, l. bisen, e; bisene, an; f. (also n. in North.), and add: I. example to be followed or avoided, (1) of persons :-- On hú monigfaldum mægenum se sácerd scolde scínan mannum tó biesene (bisene, v. l.), Past. 85, 1. Riht is þ-bar; wydewan Annan bycenan fylian, Ll. Th. ii. 324, 6. Mid bisseno Dauiðes exemplo Dauid, Mt. p. 16, 13. Sel ús hiora bissene giðiá da nobis eorum imitatione proficere, Rtl. 62, 16. Ic eów sealde bysene (bisen, L., bisine, R. exemplum), Jn. 13, 15. Nimað eów bysne be ðam, Hml. S. 24, 79, 66. Ne sceal hé yfele bysne niman æt forðfarenum mannum, Hml. Th. ii. 532, 31. Ué bisen ginime imitemur, Rtl. 57, 15. Biseno, 62, 23. Hé wolde ús bisene ástellan, Past. 33, 18. Góde bisene, 191, 5. Hálgawara ðínra biseno (exempla), Rtl. 49, 11. Hwelce bisena hé stellende wæs, Ors. 2, 2; S. 66, 24. (2) of things :-- Gelíce and seó burg wæ-acute;re tó bisene ásteald eallum middangearde, Ors. 2, 4; S. 74, 24. II. an exemplar, a model, pattern for the being, doing or making of something :-- Wé sint gesceapene æfter ðæ-acute;re biesene (bisene, v. l.) úres Scippendes ... sé ðe tó Godes bisene gesceapen is ad conditoris nostri sumus imaginem et Similitudinem creati ... qui ad Dei imaginem et similitudinem conditus, Past. 249, 17-22. Mið úser líchome bisene cum nostrae carnis substantia, Rtl. 4, 28. Mið ðý on bisne Godes wæs cum in forma Dei esset, 21, 18. Gif hwá ðás bóc áwritan wylle, þæt hé hí gerihte be ðæ-acute;re bysne (the original), Hml. Th. ii. 2, 21: Ælfc. Gr. Z. 3, 21. Hé monig tácen unwitende dyde on Godes bisene, Ors. 5, 14; S. 248, 14. Hé hét forbærnan Róme burh æfter þæ-acute;re bisene þe Trógiaburh barn, Bt. 16, 4; F. 58, 4. Ic hit mid yfelre bysene inc forgylde I will repay it you in evil fashion, Bl. H. 189, 26, 31. Magon gé geseón sweotole bysene, 99, 14. Wé wyllað eów dón bysne of twám mónðum, Angl. viii. 300, 37. Gif bisenum (exemplaribus) lufu is tó gefanne ... swæ-acute; monig aron bissena (exemplaria) swá monige boec, Mt. p. 1, 13. Sealdon hí him bysne monige, hú hí him wæ-acute;pen wyrcean sceoldan praebent instituendorum exemplaria armorum, Bd. 1, 12; Sch. 34, 9. III. example, parallel case, precedent :-- Hé má cégde ... wé sceolan beón gelæ-acute;rede mid þysse bysene, Bl. H. 19, 14. On þisse bysene is gecýþed þ-bar; ..., 35, 2. Mið bisseno oxes tó wætranne exemplo bovis adaquandi, Lk. p. 8, 5. Hé nam bysne be mannum, hú æ-acute;lc sunu bið gingra þonne se fæder, Hml. Th. i. 290, 7. IV. a rule, prescript, precept :-- Bysne normam, i. regulam, An. Ox. 997. Bisne normam, i. rectitudinem, 2306. Bysnum normulis, i. regulis, 130. V. a figurative example, parable, similitude, type :-- Bisen féwer nétna similitudo quattuor animalium, Mt. p. 9, 10. Ðió biseno parabola, Lk. L. 8, 9. Ðiós bisseno, 11. Mið bisene from esne erende similitudine de seruo arante, p. 9, 6. Búta biseno (bisine, R.) sine parabola, Mk. L. 4, 34. Ðæt hié magon be ðisse bisene ongietan þe him is tó gecweden quod intelligi figuraliter potest, illis dicitur, Past. 188, 21. Ic þé mæg gereccan be sumere bisne, þ-bar; þú miht ongiton ..., Bt. 27, 2; F. 98, 17. Þis wæs ús gedón tó lífes bysene (as a type of life), Bl. H. 73. 23: 75, 27. Þis eástorlíce gerýno ús æteówed þæs écean lífes