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collatio. v. æ-acute;fen-collatio.

collecta, an; m. f. A collect:--Æ-acute;r þám seó collecta (collecta) beó geended, Angl. xiii. 406, 590. Cweðe se sácerd þone collectan, and geendige þá mæssan mid ánre collectan, Ll. Th. ii. 360, 1-4. Collectan (gebedu, R. Ben. I. 42, 18) letania, R. Ben. 37, 2. Twá ræ-acute;dinga mid twám collectum, Ll. Th. ii. 358, 19. Mid þysum collectum cum his collectis, Angl. xiii. 381, 223.

collen-ferhtan. In passage read gecollenferhtaþ for gé collen-ferhtaþ.

collon-cróh, -cróg. l. -croh, -crog, for Cot. 140 substitute Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 41, and add:--Colloncroh achillea, Wrt. Voc. i. 67, 35: nimphea, Lch. iii. 304, col. 1. v. croh.

cól-máse. l. col-máse, and add:--Colmáse bardioriolus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 61: parrula, Hpt. 31, 241, 46. [M. H. Ger. kole-meise.]

cól-pyt. l. col-pyt a place where charcoal is made [v. N. E. D. coal-pit], and add:--Forð bæ hæselholtæ on collpytt; of collpyttæ, C. D. iv. 27, 13. On þone ealdan collpytt þæ-acute;r þá þreó gemæ-acute;ru tógædere gáþ, Cht. E. 206, 23.

col-sweart; adj. Coal-black:--Hwílum hé bið collsweart, Nap. 13.

colt. Add:--x. mæran mid .x. coltan. . . . vi. mæran mid .vi. coltan, Shrn. 159, 17, 29.

cól-þræ-acute;d. l. col-þræ-acute;d, and add:--Colðréd perpendiculum, Txts. 85, 1548. Colþræ-acute;d, Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 2.

coltræppe. v. calca-træppe.

columne (-a?), an; f. (m.?) A column:--Gyldene columnan columnae aureae, Nar. 4, 21. Greáte swá columnan, 14, 4. Ðæt godweb ymb mínes fæder Dauides columban hangode on ðissum temple, Sal. K. p. 152, 25.

comb. Dele.

cométa. Add:--Hér atíwede cométa, Chr. 1066; P. 196, 2. Hér atéwoden twégen cométan, 729; P. 45, 1.

consul. Add:--Hiene mon tó consule dyde, Ors. 5, 14; S. 248, 8. Agustus þone consul . . . wearþ æ-acute;lc ofslagen búton þæ-acute;m consule ánum, 5, 15; S. 250, 9-11. On þára twégea consula dæge, 3, 6; S. 108, 22: p. 4, 10. Consula béc fastorum libri, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 40.

cop a top. v. copp.

cóp a garment. Add:--Cóp ependiten, Txts. 59, 757, 760: Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 43.

-cóp ( =ceáp). v. land-cóp:--cóp fitting. v. ge-cóp.

copel; adj. Unsteady, rocking(?):--Æ-acute;rest on copelan stán . . . eft on copelan stán, C. D. B. iii. 624, 17, 22. [v. N. E. D. coppling, copple-stone.]

cope-man. Dele: copenere. Add: [v. N. E. D. copener a paramour; copen to desire eagerly.].: copest. Dele.

copian. For Cot. 53 substitute Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 32, and add: [v. (?) N. E. D. cop to lay hold of.]

cop-lic, líce. v. ge-cóplic, -líce.

copor. Add:--Coper cyprum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 71. Copor colos, i. color conciliatus, 134, 33.

copp a top, summit:--Coppe helmes cono (.i. summitate, Hpt. Gl. 443, 22) (sublimi) uerticis, An. Ox. 1563. Coppe cono, 32, 6 [v. N. E. D. cop.] v. hreác-copp.

copp a cup. Add:--Hé gefylde copp (spongiam) mið æcced, Mk. L. R. 15, 36. Bolla full &l-bar; copp full, Jn. L. 19, 29. [v. N. E. D. cop. O. H. Ger. choph crater, cyphus: Icel. koppr.]

copped. Add: [v. N. E. D. copped.]: cops. v. cosp: -cor. v. ge-cor: -cora. v. wiþer-cora: -coren. v. wiþ-, wiþer-coren.

coren-beág, es; m. A crown:--Be þæ-acute;m þyrnenan corenbége ofer Crístes hæ-acute;fde on róde, Angl. xi. 172, 32.

coren-scipe, es; m. Election:--Corenscip electio, Mt. p. 12, 13. v. ge-corenscipe.

corflian. Add:--Swylce hé hine corflige swá swá mon æ-acute;l déð þonne hine mon on spite stagan wyle, Tech. ii. 124, 10.

Cor[r]inthisc; adj. Corinthian:--Corrinthisce fatu Corinthia vasa, Ors. 5, 2; S. 216, 4.

coríon. Dele.

corn. Add: I. a grain:--Þæ-acute;re lenticula, þ-bar; syndon pysan, heó on hire múð sende þreóra corna gewyrde, Hml. S. 236, 716. Hwá gemenigfylt þæt gerip of feáwum cornum, Hml. Th. i. 184, 32. II. corn:--Beren gebered corn tipsana, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 27. Heó sealde þæ-acute;m munucum corn genóg, Ors. 6, 4; S. 260, 11. v. bere-, lyb-, mold-, pipor-corn.

corn-æsceda. l. -æ-acute;sceáda: corn-appla. Add: An. Ox. 3840: corn-bæ-acute;re. Add:--Cornbæ-acute;rum granigeris, An. Ox, 2360.

corn-berende; adj. Corn-bearing:--Þá cornberendan granigera, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 22.

corn-gebrot, es; n. Remnant of corn, corn dropped in carrying:--Berebryttan gebyreð corngebrot on hærfeste æt bernes dure, Ll. Th. i. 440, 2.

corn-gesceót. l. -gesceot: corn-hwæcca. Dele.

corn-lád, e; f. Leading or carrying corn:--Æt cornláde, Ll. Th. i. 440, 28.

cornoch. v. cranoc.

corn-sæ-acute;d, es; n. A grain of corn:--Hé gemænigfealdað feáwa cornsæ-acute;da in unárímede wæstmas æora pauca seminis grana in innumera segetum frumenta multiplicat, Gr. D. 253, 1.

corn-teóþung, e; f. Tithe of corn:--Sý cornteóðung ágifen be emnihte, Wlfst. 208, 5: 116, 25.

corn-treów. Add:--Corntreówes corni, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 51: 138, 5.

corn-weal. Dele.

corn-wurma. Substitute: A scarlet dye, and add:--Cornuurma vr[r]miculus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 123, 45. Conuurma coccus, An. Ox. 1064, note. Gor[n]wurman murice, 1064. Be cornwurman de muricibus, 1067. Cornwurmum, 5141.

coróna, an; m. A crown:--Hí geworhton þyrnene corónan . . . hæfde hé þá þyrnenne corónan on his heáfde . . . þone corónan þæ-acute;ra twelf steorrena, Nap. 13.

-corónian. v. ge-corónian: cors, corsian. Dele: cor-snæ-acute;d. Add: [cf. O. Frs. kor-bita.]

corte, an; f. ?:--Andlanges ðæ-acute;r eá tó ðáre wíc; fram ðæ-acute;re wíc tó ðæ-acute;re cortan; and swá andlanges tó Súðsexan, C. D. vi. 217, 7.

corþer a whisk(?):--Corthr verberatorum (cortr, cordr verberatorium), Txts. 105, 2099.

cor-wurma. v. corn-wurma.

cos. Add:--Gancge æ-acute;lc æfter óðrum tó cosse fratres accedant ad pacem, R. Ben. 114, 4. Syle mé sibbe coss, Hml. Th. ii. 422, 34. Cossas bassia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 47: 12, 37: labra, An. Ox. 3180. Hé þá mæ-acute;dena onscunode, and forbeáh heora cossas, Hml. S. 35, 59.

cosp. Dele 'Lat. compes,' and add:--Puncto, foramine, in quo pedes vinctorum tenentur in ligno cubitati, spatio interjecto, id est cosp, Txts. 86, 765. Copses cippi, An. Ox. 3251. Copse cibbo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 3: 18, 32, Copsas (conpedes) synd on fótum dysiges, Scint. 96, 16. Cospa cipporum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 6: 19, 46: An. Ox. 17, 26. Bútan mín líchama beó on þínum bendum genyrwod and on þínum copsum ágrápod, Hml. S. 8, 121. [v. N. E. D. cops.]

cossettung, e; f. Kissing:--Ðiós ne blann cossetunges haec non cessauit osculari, Lk. L. 7, 45.

cost costmary. Add:--Cost costa, An. Ox. 56, 392. [From Latin.]

cost, es; m. Condition, mode:--Getíðode hé ðæs . . . ðæs costes ðe (on condition that) heó ðis gelæ-acute;ste, Cht. Th. 540, 34. Æ-acute;nigum coste ullo modo, Rtl. 113, 34. Unásæccendlicum costum ineffabilibus modis, 108, 27. Þár þegen áge twégen costas, lufe oþþe lage, and hé lufe geceóse where a thane has two ways of settlement open to him, by amicable agreement or by appeal to law, and he choose the former, Ll. Th. i. 298, 5. [From Scandinavian, Icel. kostr. Goth. kustus trial. v. N. E. D. cost.]

costere. Add:--Þá ðá hé ána wæs, þá com him tó se costere, Hml. Th. ii. 156, 22: Gr. D. 100, 18. [O. H. Ger. chostári tentator.]

costian. Add:--Hí costodon &l-bar; costnodon mé temptauerunt me, Ps. L. 34, 16. Ðára ácorenra mód hé wile costian, Past. 465, 11. Costtad conprobatur, Am. Ox. 12, 7.

costigend. Add:--Þone costigend on helle grund besencean, Bl. H. 33, 19.

costnere. Add:--Þá geneálæ-acute;hte se costnere, Hml. Th. i. 166, 12. Sé befealt on ðæs costneres grinu, Hex. 52, 25. Hí gewyldað þá feóndlican costneras, Hml. Th. i. 344, 31.

costnian. Add:--Hit is áwriten þæt God áfandode Abrahames, and se apostol Jacob áwrít þæt God ne costnað næ-acute;nne man; hú mæg beón æ-acute;gþer sóð? . . . God ne costnað næ-acute;nne man, for þan þe hé nele næ-acute;nne tó synnum gebígan, Scrd. 22, 46-23, 10: Hml. Th. ii. 560, 20. Ne læ-acute;t ðú ús costnian, ac álýs ús fram yfele, Wlfst. 125, 13. v. á-costnian.

costnung. Add:--'Ne geðafa þæt wé beón gelæ-acute;dde on costnunge.' Óðer is costnung, óðer is fandung. . . . Þurh ðá fandunge hé sceal geðeón, gif hé þám costnungum wiðstent, Hml. Th. i. 268, 6-19. Oþer is seó fandung þe Jacob embe spræc, þæt is seó costnung þe gewemð þone man tó syngienne, Scrd. 23, 8.

costnung-stów, e; f. A place of temptation:--On þæ-acute;re costnung&dash-uncertain;stówe in loco tentationis, Deut. 6, 16.

cot. Add:--Út tó ðan coten, C. D. vi. 9, 5. Æt Sceolles eald&dash-uncertain;cotan, iv. 122, 21. v. búr-cot, and next word.

cote. Add:--Ne mæg nán wíf hire bóndan forbeódan þ-bar; hé ne móte intó his cotan (-on, v. l.) gelógian þ-bar; þ-bar; hé wille, Ll. Th. i. 418, 24. [Perhaps in the two instances given under cote the form cotan (-on, v. l.) is dat. pl., and the passages should be put under cot (q. v.). But see N. E. D. cote.]

coþa an; m. v. coþu.

coþig; adj. Diseased:--Hit is neód þ-bar; hí man áscirie of þæ-acute;re gefér&dash-uncertain;ræ-acute;dene eallswá coðige sceáp (oues morbide), Nap. 13.

cóþu, l. coþu, and add:--Hreóflige hé geclæ-acute;nsode fram ðæ-acute;re