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the passage is :-- Æ-acute;r h&e-long; geféhþ þ-bar; þ-bar; hé æfter spyre&d-bar;, Bt. 39, I; F. 212, l) &d-bar;æt h&e-long; æfter spyrede, Met. 27, 15. Hig beóþ gelæhte &l-bar;; gehende on heora m&o-long;dignysse comprehendantur in superbia sua, Ps. L. 58, 13. [Icel. henda to catch. Cf. Goth. fra-hinþan to take captive.]

ge-hende; adj. Add; I. local :-- Ne mæg þæ-long;r æ-long;ni man gedyrstig wesan d&e-long;man gehende nullus ibi confidit judice praesens, D&o-long;m. L. 170. Sume naman syndon . . . st&o-long;wlice . . . propinquus gehende, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 14, 20. Gehendes proxime, Germ. 388, 54. F&e-long;rde h&e-long; t&o-long; gehendum burgum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 16, 32. Land &d-bar;æ him gehændre beó and beh&e-long;fe terra quae eis vicinior sit vel utilior, Cht. Th. 493, 20. Him t&o-long; geneálæ-long;hton his discipuli þ-bar; h&i-long; gehendran wæ-long;ron l&i-long;chaml&i-long;ce, þ&a-long; þe mid m&o-long;de his bebodum geneálæ-long;hton, Hml. Th. i. 548, 26. II. temporal :-- &U-long;re hæ-long;l is gehendre þonne w&e-long; gel&y-long;fdon, Hml. Th. i. 602, 1, 21. III. of order or degree :-- Cherubim sind &a-long;fyllede mid gewitte sw&a-long; miccle sw&i-long;&d-bar;or sw&a-long; h&i-long; gehendran beó&d-bar; heora Scyppende &d-bar;urh wur&d-bar;scipe heora geearnunga, Hml, Th. i. 344, 4. IV. of association, intimacy, &c. Þa-long; him h&e-long; dyde gehende ea sibi fecit socia, Scint. 104, 5. UNCERTAIN heora stefn s&y-long; Gode gehendre (vicinior) þonne him syluum, Nap. 30. [O. H. Ger. ge-henti.]

ge-hende; adv. Add :-- Sume adverbia syndon frumcennede . . . prope gehende is frumcenned, and propius gehendor cym&d-bar; of &d-bar;&a-long;m, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 232, II. I. local :-- Hai þe þæ-long;r gehende wæs, Jos. 7, 2. II. temporal :-- Ne bi&d-bar; seó geendung þyssere worulde n&a-long; gyt, &d-bar;eáh &d-bar;e heó gehende s&y-long;, Hml. Th. ii. 342, 21. Sw&a-long; hwylc Sunnan-dæg sw&a-long; þæ-long;r by&d-bar; gehendost, Angl. viii. 329, 12. III. of scrutiny, closely :-- Béda and Rabanus þe wel gehende an &a-long;smeádun ymbe þisum cræfte, Angl. viii. 308, 13. IV. of kinship, association, &c. :-- Se Hæ-long;lend bodade sibbe &u-long;s &d-bar;e feorran wæ-acute;ron, and sibbe þám ðe, gehende wæ-long;ron (iis, qui prope, Eph. 2, 17), Hml. Th. i. 106, 17. v. ful-, un-gehende.

ge-hende; prep. Add: I. local :-- Wæs gehæfd gehende &d-bar;æ-long;re byrig swilce h&a-long;lig st&o-long;w, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 26. H&e-long; bec&o-long;m t&o-long; &a-long;nre birig gehende Ephesan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 16, 32. Seó ræ-long;ding cwy&d-bar; wel gehende þ&a-long;m ende, Angl. viii. 323, 32. Þá Jud&e-long;iscan &d-bar;e on Cr&i-long;st gel&y-long;fdon wæ-long;ron him gehendor st&o-long;wl&i-long;ce, Hml. Th. i. 106, 19. Seraphim sind Godes neáwiste gehendost, 346, 24. Se m&o-long;na yrn&d-bar; ealra tungla ni&d-bar;emest and &d-bar;æ-long;re eor&d-bar;an gehendost, Lch. iii. 248, 10. II. temporal :-- Deá&d-bar;e gehende in articulo mortis, D&o-long;m. L. 59. Manna gehwylc æ-acute;fre him gehende endedæges wéne, Ll. Th. i. 374, 17 : Wlfst. 75, 8. &U-long;s þinc&d-bar; þæt hit s&y-long; þ&a-long;m t&i-long;man sw&y-long;&d-bar;e gehende, 79, 12. III. marking kinship, association, &c. :-- Þ&a-long; Jud&e-long;iscan &d-bar;e on Cr&i-long;st gel&y-long;fdon wæ-long;ron him gehendor &d-bar;urh c&y-long;&d-bar;&d-bar;e. þæ-long;re ealdan æ-acute;. Hml. Th. i. 106, 19.

ge-hendnys. Add: I. in a local sense. (1) nearness, neighbourhood :-- Gif hw&a-long; feorran c&o-long;me and wolde his l&a-long;c Gode offrian, dæt h&e-long; on gehendnysse (at hand) t&o-long; bicgenne gearu hæfde, Hml. Th. i. 406, 23. H&e-long;r on gehendnysse syndon [þ&a-long;] þe þ&i-long;ne deórlingas beón sceoldon, Hml. S. 23, 147. (2) what is at hand :-- Hergiendum gehwylce gehendnysse bereánendum grassatoribus obuia que&e-hook;que uastantibus, An. Ox. 2713. II. of kinship, relationship, propinquity :-- Gehendnys propinquitas, An. Ox. 4180. v. un-gehendness.

ge-heold. v. ge-hild : ge-heorcnian. Take here ge-hercnian in Dict. : ge-heordnes. v. ge-hirdnes.

ge-heort. Add :-- UNCERTAIN h&i-long; h&i-long; gereordodon, and þ-bar; h&i-long; wurdon þegeheort-ran wi&d-bar; þ&a-long;m &a-long;wyrgedan strangan and þone ealdan wi&d-bar;erwinnan, Hml. S. 23, 241. v. un-geheort.

ge-heortl&i-long;ce; adv. Vigorously, thoroughly (?) :-- Þ&a-long; s&o-long;na æfter þæ-long;re stefne geheortl&i-long;ce him wæ-long;ron þ&a-long; limu cwiciende and fægre (the latin is ; Post quam vocem paulatim recalescentibus membris), Gr. D. 317, 16.

ge-heplicnes. v. ge-hæplicnes: geher. Dele : ge-h&e-long;ran. v. ge-h&i-long;ran.

ge-hergian. Add: I. intrant, (or abs.) To harry, ravage :-- Geher-geode Wulfhere oþ Æscesd&u-long;ne, Chr. 661; P. 32, 12, Hannibal sende sciphere on R&o-long;me and þæ-long;r ungemetl&i-long;ce gehergeodon classis Punica in Italiam transiit, ejusque plurimas partes longe lateque vastavit, Ors. 4, 6; S. 180, 4. I a. with on, to make predatory attacks upon :-- Se here oft gehergode on Pehtas and on Strætlæd-Wealas, Chr. 875 ; P. 75, 2. On Wiht gehergade Wulfhere and gesalde Wihtwaran t&o-long; Æþelwalde, 661; P. 32, 14. II. trans. (1) to overrun with an army, ravage, lay waste a country :-- H&e-long; gehergode þ-bar; land, Hml. S. 27, 25. His scipu gehergodon Mæníge, Chr. 1000; P. 133, 15. Hit gewear&d-bar; . . . þ-bar; þ&a-long; hæ-long;&d-bar;enan leóda þ-bar; land gehergoden, Hml. S. 27, 21. (l a) to pillage a town :-- H&e-long;r wæs Wecedport geheregod, Chr. 988 ; P. 125, 22. Her wæs Gypesw&i-long;c gehergod, 991 ; P. 127, (2) to harass by attack or exaction after conquest :-- H&i-long; wurdon gehergode and geh&y-long;nde eahtat&y-long;ne geár under heora handa afflicti sunt et oppressi per annos decem et octo, Jud. 10, 8. (3) to make captive in war, carry off as spoil :-- Seó fird gehergade sw&i-long;&d-bar;e micel on þæ-long;m nor&d-bar;here æ-long;g&d-bar;er ge on mannum ge on gehwelces cynnes yrfe the English took much spoil from the northern army both in men and in cattle of every kind, Chr. 910; P. 94, 29. þ-bar; m&i-long;n weorod . . . and eal m&i-long;n her[e] goldes and eorcnanstana (-e, MS.)

þ-bar; hi&e-long; gehergad and genumen hæfdon micel gemet mid him wæ-long;gon milites omnes auri ex rapina margaritarumque nan paruam secum praedam ueherent, Nar. 6, 32. H&i-long; n&a-long;mon menn and sw&a-long; hwæt sw&a-long; h&i-long; findan mihtan, and gewendon him t&o-long; Baldewines land, and sealdon þæ-long;r þet h&i-long; gehergod hæfdon, Chr. 1046; P. 167, I. Ealle þ&a-long; men þe hi&e-long; geher-gead hæfden, Ors. 4, 6 ; S. 178, 13. Gif hwylc mæ-long;den beweddod bi&d-bar;, and under þám bið gehergod (in captivitatem ducta). Ll. Th. ii. 186, 27: Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 36. Hié wæ-long;ron gehergeode and of hiera earde &a-long;læ-long;dde, Past. 267, 14. Gehergode, Gr. D. 182, 7. (3 a) to lead captive to a place :-- H&e-long; wæs gehergod t&o-long; Sirian lande, Ælfc. T. Grn. 11, 6. ¶ gehergod captive :-- Hæftlingc o&d-bar;&d-bar;e gehergod captivus, Ælfc. Gr. 179, 4. Se heáfodman þæs gehergodan folces, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 41. H&e-long; sealde þæt feoh for gehergodum mannum, and þ&a-long; þe on hæftn&e-long;dum wæ-long;ron, Hml. S. 31, 1292. &A-long;l&e-long;se h&e-long; æt &o-long;&d-bar;rum mannum heora þeówan and h&u-long;ru earme gehergode men, Ll. Th. ii. 282, 15. Swilce hit gehergode hæftlingas wæ-long;ron quasi captivus gladio. Gen. 31, 26. (4) to carry off by force :-- Deófol geherega&d-bar; þ&a-long; synfullan, and gehæfte t&o-long; þæ-long;re hellican byrig gelæ-long;t, Hml. Th. ii. 66, 33. Cr&i-long;st t&o-long; helle f&e-long;rde and &d-bar;æ-long;r of gehergode eal þæt h&e-long; wolde, Wlfst. 126, 13. [O. H. Ger. ge-heri&d-bar;n vastare.]

ge-h&e-long;rian. l. -herian, and add :-- Se Drihten on engla endebyrdnesse wæs gehered. þ&a-long; h&e-long; wæs &a-long;cenned, þ&a-long; cleopodan hié: ' Wuldor s&y-long; Gode . . . Bl. H. 93, 8. Heó bi&d-bar; gehered mid Gode, for þon þe hire bi&d-bar; mycel wuldor gegearwod, 145, 10. H&e-long; (St. John)mid þæ-long;re sóþfæstnesse stefne gehiered wæs and geweorþod (cf. s&e-long; sceal beón gehered ofor ealle þeóda and geweorbod, 71, 16. Gehered . . . and weorþad, 33, 165, I. Seó wyrt is gehered (-od, v. l.) on þ&a-long;m muntlandum þe man Cilicia and Pisidia nemneþ (the kind that grows in Cilicia and Pisidia is spoken very highly of), Lch. i. 160, 15. N&a-long;n mon ne bi&d-bar; mid rihte for &o-long;þres g&o-long;de n&o-long; &d-bar;&y-long; mæ-long;rra ne n&o-long; &d-bar;&y-long; geheredra, Bt. 30, l; F. 108, 27.

ge-herigendlic; adj. Praiseworthy :-- Samod geherigendlicne (=? samod- &l-bar; ge-herigendlicne. Cf. samod-herung conlaudatio) conlauda-bilem, Hy. S. 109, 19.

ge-herlicnes, Bl. Gl. l. ge-heplicnes, and see ge-hæplicnes: ge-hígan (?) to elevate, v. ge-heán : ge-hild a secret place. In Ps. Spl. T. 16, 13 perhaps ge-h&i-long;dum should be read for gehildum. Cf. ge-h&y-long;ddum abditis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 98, 34: 4, 17.

ge-hild, es; n. ; -hildo (-u) ; f. I. a watch, guard :-- G&e-long; habba&d-bar; gehæld (custodiam); gæ-long;þ and haldeþ sw&a-long; g&e-long; cunnun, Mt. R. L. 27, 65. Gesett gehæld mu&d-bar;e m&i-long;num, Rtl. 182, 16. Ne mihte ic gangan t&o-long; eástdæ-long;lum for R&o-long;mwarena cempena neáhhergunge and for [Persisc]ra gehældum, Hml. A. 200, 174. I a. a watch, period during which watch is kept :-- Sw&e-long; sw&e-long; gehaeld (custodia) in næht, Ps. Srt. 89, 4. From gehæld morgenlicum. Rtl. 181, l. II. a taking care to prevent hurt, watchful care :-- Þ&a-long; þ&a-long; he wæs geswænced mid þæs l&i-long;chaman swinglan h&e-long; hæfde symble &d-bar;æ-long;re heortan fr&o-long;fre þurh þ&a-long; gehyldu (-hældo, v. l.) þæs H&a-long;lgan G&a-long;stes (per Sancti Spiritus custodiam), Gr. D. 275, I. III. keeping, preserving, preservation from injury or destruction :-- UNCERTAIN hié for his gehylde (-hælde, v. l.) Gode heora b&e-long;ne geóten qui pro eius custodia Deo preces fundant. Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 73, 14. H&e-long; æ-long;r Gode fylgan nolde in gehælde (on gehyldo, v. l.) þæs biscopes l&i-long;fes Deum sequi prius in custodienda vita episcopi noluit, Gr. D. 195, 12. UNCERTAINte of &d-bar;æ-long;ra t&o-long;weardurn u&e-long; hæbbe gihæld ut de futuris malis nostris habeamus custodiam, Rtl. 123, 31. Ill a. a place for keeping in safety :-- Settun sw&e-long; sw&e-long; æppelt&u-long;n gehaeld posuerunt Hieru-salem velut pomorum custodiam, Ps. Srt. 78, IV. defence from attack; a defence :-- H&e-long; ne bi&d-bar; belocen mid n&a-long;uum gehieldum n&a-long;nes fæstenes nulla munitions custodiae circumcludit, Past. 277, 18. V. keeping what is prescribed, observance of a festival :-- Be gehylde rihtra Eástrana in obseruatione Paschae, Bd. 5, 21 ; Sch. 676, 18. V a. an observance :-- In gehaeldum &d-bar;&i-long;num bieóde in observationibus tuis exercebor, Ps. Srt. 76, 13. VI. keeping of a law, faith, obligation, &c. :-- For gehylde Cr&i-long;stes beboda propter obseruantiam mandatorum Christi, 3, 22 ; Sch. 298, 3. H&e-long; mægena gehyld (-heold, -hæld, v. l.) and sw&i-long;þust sibbe and Godes lufan læ-long;rde virtutum, sed maxime pacis et caritatis, custodiam docuit, 4, 23; Sch. 468, I. Regollices þeódscipes gehyld (-heold, -hæled) custodiam disciplinae regularis, 4, 27 ; Sch. 516, 21. v. ge-heald.

ge-hildan to incline. Take here ge-hyldan in Dict. , and add :-- Mid þ&y-long; þe h&e-long; þ&a-long; flascan gehylde cum flasconem inclinasset, Gr. D. 142, 12. [O. H. Ger. ge-helden inclinare.] v. heald ; adj.

ge-hildelic ; adj. Safe (cf. ge-hild; III) :-- Se weg is mycele gesund-licra, and þ-bar; is myccle gehyldelicre l&i-long;f tutior est; via. Gr. D. 348, 10. v. ge-heald ; adj.

ge-hildness. Take here ge-hyldness in Dict. : ge-hildra. v. ge-heald.

ge-hilmed; adj. I. having a helmet, helmed :-- Gehyltned galeatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 9. II. having foliage (v. helm; II) :-- Þæ-long;m gehilmdum græ-long;fum frondosis dumis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 75 : 37, 36. [O. H. Ger. ge-hilmit frutectum; ge-hilmi frutecta.] Cf. ge-helmian.

ge-hilt. Substitute ge-hilte; pl. (used like pl. of hilt with singular meaning] -hiltu : ge-h&i-long;n. v. ge-heán.