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Hundteántih ombras centum cados, Lk. L. 16, 6. (2) with other numerals :-- Nán mon elles singan ne mæg búton ðæt hundteóntig and feówertig and feówer þúsendo, Past. 409, 9. þurh heondteóntig and feówer and feówertig þúsendu martira, Ll. Lbmn. 414, 26. III a. as ordinal :-- In psalme hunteánteige nióða in psalmo cetitesimo nono, Lk. p. 10, 11. IV. construction uncertain :-- þ-bar; nett full mið miclum fiscum hunteántig (hund-, R. ) and fíftig ðriim &l-bar; ðreó, Jn. L. 21, II. v. hund, hundred.

hundteóntig-feald. Add; -- Hunteóntifealdes centene (frugis). An. Ox. 950.

hundteóntigfealde; adv. A hundredfold :-- Hundteantigfalde (hund&dash-uncertain;rað síða monigfallíce, L. ) onfooð centuplum accipiet. Mt. R. 19, 29.

hundteóntigfealdlíce; adv. A hundredfold :-- þá englas sæ-acute;don þæt him wæ-acute;re hundteóntigfealdlíce máre myrhð toweard, Wlfst. 237, 9.

hundteóntigoþa hundredth :-- Se hundteóntigoða centesimus, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 283, 14. Se hundteóntigeþa-and-twá-and-feówertigeþa. R. Ben. 37, 23. Fram ðám hundteóntigeðan-and-þám-nigeðan oð þene hund-teóntigeþan-and-þane-seofan-and-feówertigeþan .. . fram ðám hundteón-tigeþan-and-seofonteóðan oð þone hundteóntigeðan-and-seofon-and-twéntigeðan . . . bútan þám hundteóntigeþan-and-þreó-and-þrítigeðan and þám hundteóntigeþan-and-twá-and-feówertigeþan . . . se hundteón-tigeþa-and-se syxteóða, 43, 8-25.

hundteóntig-wintre; adj. A hundred years old :-- Hundteóntig-wintre cild byð áwyrged puer centum annorum maledictus erit. Nap. 39.

hund-twelftig. Add: I. as substantive [in which case the word may be treated as singular, v. Ors. S. 174, 17; or as plural, v. Hml. S. 21, 318]. (1) governing a genitive, (a) alone :-- Cyninges burgbryce bið . c.xx. (hundtwelftig, v. l.) sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. , Ll. Th. i. 88, 7. Heó wæs hundtwelftiges fóta lang, Ors. 4, 6 ; S. 174, 17. Ánra gehwylc godweb hangað on hundtwelftigum hringa gyldenna. And ðæt æreste godweb is háten Aurum caeleste, ðæ-acute;m ðióstre ne magon cxxtigum míla neáh gehleonian, Sal. K. 152, 17-20. Mid hundtwelftigan sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. . . . mid sixtigan scillinga, Ll. Th. i. 342, 2 ; 410, 9. Be .cxx. (hundtwelftigum, v. l.) hída, no, 17: 198, 23. Gylde hé þám cynge hundtwelftig scillinga (sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. , v. l. ), 264, 12: 62, 5: 66, 16: 86, 17. Cómon tó ðám hálgan hundtwelftig manna, mislíce geuntrumode, Hml. S. 21, 318. (b) with units :-- Hundtwelftig scíra hé hie. de and seofon scíra, Hml. A. 92, 6. II. as adjective. (1) alone :-- Hé bodode húru hundtwelftigum wintrum, Wlfst. 206, 8. Mid . c.xx. (hundtwelftig, v. l.) sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. (scillingum, v. l, ), Ll. Th. 1. 110, 12. (2) with units :-- Mid óþrum fíf and hundtwelftigum his efenbisceopum cum aliis cxxv episcopis, Bd. 5, 19; Sch. 666, 24. III. where the governed or qualified noun is not expressed :-- Wæs ungemetlic wæl geslagen Persa, and Alexandres næs ná má þonne hundtwelftig on þæ-acute;m ræ-acute;dehere, Ors. 3, 9; S. 124, 21.

hund-twéntig. Add :-- Mid hundtwéntigum sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. , Ll. Th. i. 410, 9. Mid hundtwéntigum sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. (hundtwentig scillinga, v. l.), 402, 6. Geselle hé hundtwéntig sci&l-bar;&l-bar;, 66, 16. Hundtwentig scillinge, 390, 25

hund-wille, -welle hundredfold :-- Hundwelle centesimum, Mt. L. 13, 8.

hund-wintre. Add; -- Seth wæs hundwintre and fíf Seth vixit centum guingue annis, Gen. 5, 6.

hune. l. hune, and add; -- Húnae vel bióuuyrt marrubium, Txts 78, 657. Húne marubium, Wrt. Voc. i. 286, 32 : prassion, 68, 32.

Hungerie the Hungarians; later, Hungary :-- Seó beód þe mon þá hét Basterne, and nú hié mon hæ-acute;t Hungerre (Hungerie, v. l., Ors. 4, 11; S. 206, 36. þes folces þe be Hungrie fór fela þúsenda þæ-acute;r earmlíce forfóran, Chr. 1096; P. 332, 36.

Hunger-land Hungary :-- pisne æþeling Cnut cyng hæfde forsend on Ungerland, Chr. 1057; P. 188, 10.

hungor. Add; -- Hungor fames vel popina, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 3. I. the feeling caused by want of food :-- Ne biþ þæ-acute;r hungor ne þurst, Bl. H. 65, 19. I a. exhaustion caused by want of food :-- Gif hé for hungre libban mæge, Ll. Th. i. 64, 13. Ib. lack of food (lit. or fig.) :-- Hungres fame, i. inedia (non te hordeo alam, sed paleis et fame conficiam, Aid. 34, 1), An. Ox. 2440. I b a. with gen. of food :-- Ne ádl ne hláfes hungor, Shrn. 104, 27. Hié læ-acute;tað ðá sáwla ácwellan for hungre hira worda fame verbi animaepereant, Past. 377, 11. Ic. personified, An. 1089: 1116 (in Dict.). II. lack of food in a country, a famine :-- Wæs geworden mycel hunger (-or, R. ) facta est magna fames, Lk. 4, 25. Hunger suíðe strong fames ualida, Lk. L. 15, 14. Cóm micel hæ-acute;te . . . þæt ealle eorðwæstmas . . . forwurdon . . . Æfter þæ-acute;m wearð se mæ-acute;sta hunger siccitas fuit, uí praesentis tunc fufnrique anni spem gignendis terrae fructibus abnegarit, Ors. 2, 6; S. 88. 17. Hié þæs hungres ne mehte hié gerestan fames Urbem corripuit, 2, 4; S. 70, 9. Hié for þæ-acute;m hungre þá burh werian ne mihton, Bl. H. 79, 16. Biðon monncwalmo and hungro erunt pestilentiae et fames, Mt. L. 24, 7 : Lk. L. 21, 11. Wé geáxiað hungras wexende, Bl. H. 109, 1. III. a strong desire, craving :-- Hit wirð gewundod mid ðæ-acute;m hungre ð æs nyðemestan and ðæs fúlestan geðóhtes cupiditatis infimae fame sauciatur, Past. 283, 17. þonne wé beóþ mid mycclum hungre yfelra geþóhta ábisgode, 61. H. 19, 15. III a. a craving for something (gen.) :-- Hit hæfð ðæs sníde micelne hunger, Past. 283, 20.

hungor-geár. Add: (n) and m. :-- Æ-acute;r þá hungorgeáras cómon antequam veniret fames, Gen. 41, 50. [O. H. Ger. hungor-jár.]

hungor-læ-acute;we. Add; cf. lim-læ-acute;weo.

hungor-lic; adj. Hungry; of things, meagre, scanty; -- Hungerlicre gnéðelicnesse familicae frugalitatis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 33.] þá ungerlican familice, 80, 8.þá hungerlican, 34, 28. See hungrig; II. , where the same passage is glossed.

hungrian. v. hyngrian.

hungrig. Add; I. of living creatures, hungry :-- Swá þ-bar; se hund hungrig sý, Lch. i. 246, 2. þæt hé líchamlicne bigleofan þám hungrian Danihele bróhte, Hml. Th. ii. 174, 3. þæne hungrian familicum, i. ieiunum (prophetam), An. Ox. 3685, Hungrigum familicis i. abstinentibus (turmis), 3860. þonne seó leó bringð his hungregum hwelpum (avidis calulis) hwæt tó etanne, Ors. 3, 11 ; S. 142, 24. II. of things, meagre, scanty, v. hungor-lic :-- Hungrigre gneáþnysse familice frugalitatis (Ald. 33. 36), An. Ox. 2436: 4634.

hunig. Add: -- þis hunig hoc mel, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 38, 10. Hunig oððe mildeáw nectar, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 38. Seóð oþ huniges þicnesse, Lch. ii. 30, 8. Æt . x. hídum tó fóstre .x. fata hunies, Ll. Th. i. 146, 16. Mon ðás ðing selle . . . mittan fulne huniges oðða twégen uuínes, sué hwaeder suae ðonne begeotan mæge, C. D. i. 293, 14 : 299, 23. Sester fulne huniges, 312, 10. Mid ús is geræ-acute;d þ-bar; beóceorl sylle . v. sustras huniges tó gafole, Ll. Th. i. 436, 2. Swétra þonne þú béóbreád blénde mid hunige, Rá. 41, 59. Ne nánne wæ-acute;tan hí ne cúþon wiþ hunige mengan, Bt. 15; F. 48, 10. Wiþ dorena hunig gemenged, Lch. ii. 28, 19. Se feld ús gearcode swéte hunig, Angl. viii. 299, 45. Beón æ-acute;tterne tægel habbað on hindon, hunig on múðe, Leás. 21. v. dún&dash-uncertain;hunig.

hunig-æppel. For ' Pastillus . . . Lye' substitute: A lozenge or pastille containing honey: -- -Hunaegæpl, hunigæppel pastellus, Txts. 90, 830. Hunigæppel, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 65 ; passtellus, i. 289, 75.

hunig-bæ-acute;re. Substitute: I. of -flowers, containing honey :-- Huni bæ-acute;rum ciæ-acute;fran helmum melligeris caltarum frondibus, An. Ox. 93. II. fig. honied, mellifluous :-- Hunibæ-acute;re mellifluam (dogmatum dulcedinem), An. Ox. 2153.

hunig-binn, e; f. A receptacle for honey :-- Man sceal habban . . . hýfa, hunigbinna, Angl. ix. 264, 15.

hunig-camb. . For 'Lchdm. . . . col. I' substitute: Angl. xiii. 368, 46, and add :-- Sáwl gefylled trytt béóbreád &l-bar; hunigcamb anima saturata calcabit fauum, Scint. 50, 9.

hunig-flówende. Add; I. lit. of flowers, Gú. 1250 (in Dict. ). II. fig. :-- Huniflówende gecnordnessa melliflua studia, Hpt. Gl. 404, 17.

hunig-súce. Add; -- Hunaegsúgae (huneg-), hunigsúge ligustrum, Txts. 76, 615. Hunigsúge, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 5: ligustra (fronde ligustra fatiscunt, Aid. 141, 25), 89, 43. [v.. N. E. D. honey-suck.]

hunig-swæ-acute;s. Dele.

hunig-swéte. For Th. An. 45, 4' substitute: Hml. Th. ii. 118, 22, and add: I. lit. :-- Gutta, þ-bar; ys hunigswéte dropa, Angl. viii. 299, 48. Huniswéttre mellite (dulcedinis gustum), An. Ox. 336. II. fig. :-- Huniswé[te] lippan mellea labia, An. Ox. 3183. Orþiende wyrtbráþa swétnyssa líflicra hunigswéte spirans odorum balsama vitalium melliflua, Hy. S. 98, 21. [v. N. E. D. honey-sweet.]

hunig-teár. For first two passages substitute :-- Ahlúttredes hunig-teáres defecati nectaris, Hpt. Gl. 468, 37. Hunigteáres carene, Wrt. Voc. ii. 17, 65.

hunig-teáren. For 'Gl. . . . 140' substitute Germ. 389, 24.

hunigteár-lic. For ' Cot. . . . Lye' substitute :-- þone hunigteár- lican nectareum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 49.

hún-spuran. Substitute: hun-sporu, -spuru, an; f. A sword-stick :-- Húnsporan dolones (cf. dolones, tela absconsa, Corp. Gl. H. 44, 351), Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 65. Húnspuran, 25, 66. v. hand-sporu, stæf-sweord.

hunt. Add: [v. N. E. D. hunt.]

hunta. Add: -- Wæs Esau gléw hunta (vir gnarus venandi), Gen. 27, 27. Deáð æfter moncynne, egeslic hunta, á bið on waðe, Met. 27, 13. Of huntan gríne losian, Ps. Th. 123, 6. Tó huntan wícan, C. D. iii. 219, 9. Ðis is ðára .iii. hída landbóc . . . ðe Æðelréd cing gebócode Leófwine his huntan, 230, 25. On huntena weg, 48, 10. Tó huntena forda, v. 267, 24. Hé me álýsde of láðum gríne huntum unholdum liberavit me de laqueo venantium, Ps. Th. 90, 3. Ic ásende míne huntan (venatores), and hi huntiað hí of æ-acute;lcere dúne, Hml. Th. i. 576, 27. Hét se cásere his huntan hine ðæ-acute;r gefeccean and hine mid sueorde ofsleán, Shrn. 72, 8. in place names :-- Duas mansas iuxta Huntandúne, C. D. iii. 101, 17. Huntedúne, 94, 3. iii. cassatos aet Huntenatún, - i. 207, I. Hae sunt uillulae, Huntanawoð, Herþoðford, iv. 164, 27. [v. N. E. D. hunt a huntsman.] v. heáhdeórhunta. hunta a spider. Dr. Bradley suggests that in 1. 2 spí þra should be read for sþíþra which is the MS. reading.