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hit oft gesæ-long;le&d-bar; on þæ-long;m s&e-long;lran þingum þæt seó wyrd and sió hiów hié oft oncyrre&d-bar; and on &o-long;þer hworfe&d-bar; ut aliquid plerumgue in secundis rebus fortana obstrepit, Nar. 7, 28. Hiæ-acute; weorfaþ heora andwliotu. Mt. R. 6. 16. Se m&o-long;na is æ-long;fre se ylca þeáh &d-bar;e his leóht gel&o-long;ml&i-long;ce hweorfe, Lch. iii. 242, 16. Hweorfende versicolor (versiculos, MS. but the passage is: Versicolor penna pavonis, Ald. 142, 22), Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 59. v. and-(B. 548), eft-, for-, ymb-hweorfan; sin-hweorfende; mis-, n&i-long;w-hworfen.

hweorf-b&a-long;n. Add :-- Hwiorfb&a-long;n poplites. Lch. i. lxxi, II. v. hweorfa ; I.

hweorfness. v. ymb-hweorfness: hweo&d-bar;erian. Dele, and see hwaþerian: hweo&d-bar;erung. Dele, and see hwaþerung.

hwer. Add :-- Huuer, huer lebes, Txts. 72, 563. Hwer (hwyr, v. l.), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 316, 5. Hweres &l-bar; cyteles sartaginis. Hpt. Gl. 503, 34. Hwer, þollan sartaginem. An. Ox. 4115. Man sceal habban . . . hwer, leád, cytel, hlædel, pannan, crocca, dixas, Angl. ix. 264, 9. H&e-long;t h&e-long; feccan æ-long;nne æ-long;rene hwer, and hine ealne &a-long;fyllan mid weallendum leáde and lecgan Georium innon &d-bar;one hwer, Hml. 8. 14, 104-107: 25, 117. Hwerum caccabis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 62 : 19, 71. Hweras lebetes. An. Ox. 4670: Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 60. v. crocc-hwer.

hwerfan. v. hwirfan: hwerfel. v. hwurful: hwerfere. l. hwirfere: hwerf-lic. l. hwirf-lic: hwerflung. v. hwirflung: hwerfung. v. hwirfung: hwergen. Add: v. &a-long;-hwergen; n&a-long;-hwærn.

hwer-hwette. Add :-- Hwærhwætte cucumeris. Wrt. Voc. i. 67, II.

hw&e-long;san. Dele, and see hw&o-long;san : hwet. v. hwæt. '

hwet-st&a-long;n. Add:, hwete-st&a-long;n :-- Huetist&a-long;n (huete-) cox, Txts. 54, 294. Hwetst&a-long;n cox, hwetest&a-long;n cotem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 4, 5. Lytel hwetst&a-long;n coticulus vel coticula, 135, 37. Hwettst&a-long;n cotem, An. Ox. 56, 21. Mon heardl&i-long;ce gn&i-long;de þone hnescestan mealmst&a-long;n æfter þæ-long;m þ-bar; h&e-long; þence þone soelestan hwetst&a-long;n on t&o-long; geræ-long;ceanne, Ors. 4, 13 ; S. 212, 29.

hwettan. Substitute: To whet, sharpen :-- Ic hwette (hwætte, v. l.) acuo, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 167, l. I. to sharpen the edge of an imple-ment (lit. or fig.) :-- Se læ-long;ce h&y-long;t his seax and hwete (hwæt, v. l.), Past. 166, 6. Þ&a-long; undeádlican wyrmas hwetta&d-bar; hyra t&e-long;&d-bar; t&o-long; þon þ-bar; hig. . . &u-long;rne l&i-long;choman sl&i-long;tan, Ll. Th. ii. 396, 6. H&i-long; hwetton tungan heora acuerunt linguam suam, Ps. Spl. 139, 3. ¶ hwete st&a-long;n a stone used for whetting (?) :-- T&o-long; hwettan st&a-long;nes wylle; of hwættan st&a-long;nes wylle, C. D. iii. 430, II. II. to make a person keen (hwæt), incite, excite, egg on. (l) absolute :-- Sw&a-long; þ&i-long;n sefa hwette, B. 490. (2) with acc. :-- Þonne w&i-long;n hwete&d-bar; beornes breóstsefan, M&o-long;d. 18. &O-long;&d-bar;er g&a-long;st hine tyhte&d-bar; . . . &y-long;we&d-bar; him earmra manna misgemynda and þurh þæt his m&o-long;d hwete&d-bar;, Sal. 495. Þone s&i-long;&d-bar;fæt him snotere ceorlas lythw&o-long;n l&o-long;gon, . . . hwetton higer&o-long;fne, B. 204. (2 a) where the course or action to which a person is incited is given :-- Ic dysge dwelle and dole hwette [on] unræ-long;ds&i-long;&d-bar;as, &o-long;&d-bar;rum st&y-long;re nyttre f&o-long;re I silly ones lead astray and stupid ones egg on to ill-advised ways, others keep back from profitable pro-ceeding, Rä. 12, 3. &U-long;sic lust hwete&d-bar; on þ&a-long; leódmearce, micel m&o-long;des hiht t&o-long; þæ-long;re mæ-long;ran byrig, An. 286. Hwete&d-bar; on [h]wælweg, Seef. 63. Ic hig hwette t&o-long; fleánne, Shrn. 41, 25. [He whætte his særes, Laym. 14215. He wette his tossches, S. S. 911. O. H. Ger. wezzen acuere, exacuere, provocare: Icel. huetja to whet, incite.] v. &a-long;-, ge-hwettan.

Hwiccas. Add :-- In &d-bar;æ-long;re st&o-long;we &d-bar;e man g&y-long;t nemne&d-bar; Agustinus aac, in Myrcna (Hwicna, v. l.) gemæ-long;re and Westseaxna (in confinio Huic-ciorum et occidentalium Saxonum), Bd. 2, 2 ; Sch. 113, 4. In Hwiccia mæ-long;gþe, 4, 23; Sch. 470, 14. Wilfrid is Hwicca biscop, 5, 23; Sch. 690, 16. ¶ Perhaps the word is used in a limited and in a wider sense. In a list of territorial names in one group occurs the following :-- Hicca (Wicca, 416, 7, a Latin form of the list) landes is þr&y-long; hund h&y-long;da. The next group begins :-- Hwinca ( = Hwicna?) landes is syfan þ&u-long;send h&y-long;da, Cilternsæ-long;tna feówer þ&u-long;send h&y-long;da, C. D. B. i. 414, 22-25. The suggestion may receive some support from the forms, Hec-, Hwicc-, used by Florence when speaking of the Magesæ-long;te. v. Chr. P. ii. p. 197.

hwicce, hwice (?), an; f. A box, chest: -- Huice trio (tria columbarium species, Migne), Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 76. Hwicce clustella (ut doctor verbi clauslella resolvat. Ald. 138, 23), An. Ox. 18 b, II. ¶ as part of a local name :-- In loco ubi ruricoli nominantur Huiccewudu, C. D. ii. 10, 5. [Til . . . Perneles porfyl be put in heore whucche, Piers P. A. 4, 102. Alle woned in þe whichche (the ark), Allit. Pms. 49, 362. Whyche cista, archa, Prompt. 242. Make a luytel whucche forte do in þ-bar; blod, Jos. 39.] v. corn-hwicce; hwæcce.

hwice. See preceding word.

hw&i-long;cung, e; f. Squeaking :-- Se ealda feónd ongan onhyrgian . . . sw&i-long;na grunnunge and m&u-long;sa hw&i-long;cunge (stridores soricum), Gr. D. 185, 4. [v. D. D. weak to squeak.]

hwida, Hpt. Gl. 430, 67. v. hw&i-long;tel.

hwider. Add: I. in direct questions, (I) to what place? :-- Hwider fundast þ&u-long; s&i-long;&d-bar;as dreógan?, Gen. 2269: An. 405: Cri. 1691. Hwyder (hwidder, L.) wylt þ&u-long; þ-bar; w&e-long; faron, Mk. 14, II. Huidir, Jn. L. 16, 5. (l a) with emphatic genitive :-- Hwider mæg ic þ&i-long;nne andlwitan befleón eor&d-bar;an dæ-long;les? a facie tua quo fugiqm?, Ps. Th. 138, 5. (2) to

what state ? :-- Hwyder gewiton þ&a-long; welan and þ&a-long; &i-long;dlan blissa ? hwyder gewiton þ&a-long; mycclan weorod þe him ymb st&o-long;dan ?, Bl. H. 99, 23-25. II. in dependent clauses. (l) after verbs of asking, finding out, knowing, considering, (a) with local force :-- Eówer n&a-long;n ne &a-long;bsa&d-bar; m&e-long; hwyder ic fare, Jn. 16, 5. Hié sendon hlot him betweónum hwider hyra gehwylc faran sceolde, Bl. H. 229, 5. Ic w&a-long;t hwyder (huidder, L. , hwider, R.) ic g&a-long;, Jn. 8, 14: 14, 5 : Gn. C. 58 : B. 163. (a α) where the place is marked by condition existing in it :-- T&o-long; þencenne . . . hwyder h&e-long; gelæ-long;ded s&y-long;, þe t&o-long; w&i-long;te, þe t&o-long; wuldre, Bl. H. 97, 22. (b) of the operations of the mind :-- ' Hwæ&d-bar;er &d-bar;&u-long; n&u-long; ongite hwider þiós spræ-long;ce wille ? ' Ð&a-long; cwæþ ic: ' Sege m&e-long; hwider hió wille', Bt. 40, l; F. 234, 32-33. O&d-bar; þæt h&e-long; cunne hwider hre&d-bar;re gehygd hweorfan wille, Wand. 72. (2) as relative adverb :-- Ð&u-long; waldes geonga huidir (hwider, R. , þæ-long;r, W. S. ubi) &d-bar;&u-long; waldes . . . &o-long;&d-bar;er &d-bar;ec læ-long;des hiddir &d-bar;iddir (&d-bar;ider, R. , W. S. quo) &d-bar;&u-long; nuilt, Jn. L. 21, 18. III. indefinite, to some place or other :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e hwider faran wille singe his paternoster, Hml. S. 17, 96. Elles hwider aliorsum, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 225, 10. Elles hwyder ofer þ-bar; (ne) aliorsum ulterius (progredi valentes), An. Ox. 3781 : Wrt. Voc. ii. 83; 35. IV. combined with sw&a-long;, whithersoever. (1) sw&a-long; hwider sw&a-long; :-- Æ-long;rendian sw&a-long; hwyder sw&a-long; him mon t&o-long; tæ-long;c&d-bar; in nuncium ire quocunque dicetur ei, Ll. Th. i. 432, 18 : Lk. 9, 57. H&e-long; þurhf&e-long;rde eall Breotone eálond sw&a-long; hwyder ymb sw&a-long; (sw&a-long; hwyder sw&a-long; ymb, v. l.) Angel&d-bar;eóde on drohtedon peragrata insula tota quaquauersum Anglorum gentes morabantur, Bd. 4, 2 ; Sch. 343, 22. H&e-long; sw&a-long; hwider ymb sw&a-long; h&e-long; beden wæs f&e-long;rde ubicumque rogabatur diuertens, 4, 12; Sch. 412, I. (2) sw&a-long; hwider :-- Ic fylgo &d-bar;ec su&a-long; huider &d-bar;&u-long; færes sequor te quocunque ieris. Mt. L. 8, 19. Suæ-long;huiddir, Lk. L. 9, 57. (3) hwider sw&a-long; :-- Ic wille folgian þ&e-long; hwider sw&a-long; þ&u-long; ganges, Mt. R. 8, 19. v. æ-long;g-, ge-, n&a-long;-hwider; hwidere.

hwidere, hwidre; adv. Whither :-- Ac &d-bar;æ-long;r &d-bar;&u-long; ongeáte hwidre ic þ&e-long; n&u-long; teohhie t&o-long; læ-long;danne, Bt. 22, 2 ; F. 78, l. Cf. hidere.

hwider-hwega; adv. Somewhither :-- Gange h&e-long; him &u-long;t hwider-hwega sume hw&i-long;le, Lch. ii. 182, II.

hwider-ryne; adj. Of what country :-- Huidirryne cujatis, Txts. 115, 130.

hwidre. v. hwidere: hwien. v. hw&i-long;tel.

hwifer (?) ; adj. Quaking, quivering, shaking. Perhaps this adjective may be inferred from the following words in Suffolk names :-- T&o-long; hwifermirsce, C. D. iii. 275, l. Wifærmyrsc, 273, 26. T&o-long; hwifræme-[ra, v. C. D. B. iii. 603, 40], 275, 12. Ic gæan þæs landes æt hwi-fersce, 272, 16. [v. D. D. wiver, whiver, to shake, quiver; wivery hivering, quaking.]

hw&i-long;l. Add: I. an indefinite space of time :-- Næs þ&a-long; n&a-long;n hw&i-long;l t&o-long; þ&a-long;m þæt . . . nec mora . . . , Guth. Gr. 139, 3. Næs þ&a-long; næ-long;nig hw&i-long;l t&o-long; þan s&o-long;na sw&a-long; h&i-long; &u-long;t eódon, þ&a-long; ges&e-long;gon h&i-long; þone hræfn nec mora, egredi-entes conspiciunt corvum, 144, 15 : 145, 23. Næs þ&a-long; næ-long;nig hw&i-long;l t&o-long; þan s&o-long;na sw&a-long; h&e-long; wæs mid þ&a-long;m gyrdele begyrd confestim ut se cingulo illius succinxit, 148, 7: 154, 22. On &d-bar;&a-long;re gæ-long;linge &d-bar;e h&e-long; &d-bar;&a-long; hw&i-long;le &a-long;mierre&d-bar;, Past. 39, I. Unc&u-long;&d-bar; bi&d-bar; æ-long;ghwylcum &a-long;num men . . . hwilce hw&i-long;le hine wille Drihten h&e-long;r on worlde læ-long;tan. Bl. H. 125, 9. ¶ in oblique cases, alcne or with other words, with adverbial force. (l) acc. (a) alone :-- Ne racant&e-long;gum hw&i-long;le (jam) æ-long;nig mon hine mæhte gibinda, Mk. R. L. 5, 3. Ic hw&i-long;le wæs Heodeninga scop, Deór. 36. (b) with an adverb :-- Þ&a-long; þe hw&i-long;le æ-long;r edw&i-long;t þoledon, Jud. 214. Þ&a-long; w&i-long;tu &d-bar;e ic n&u-long; hw&i-long;le (now for a time, already) þolode, Solil. H. 12, 4. (c) with a qualifying word (α) pronominal (demonst. or indef.) :-- Þa-long; hw&i-long;le donec, i. dum, Wülck. Gl. 251, 9: dum, 21. Heora næ-long;nig þ&a-long; bæ-long;re þ&a-long; hw&i-long;le (the while, meanwhile) &a-long;h&o-long;f, Bl. H. 153, 3. Ic n&a-long;t h&u-long; nyt ic þ&a-long; hw&i-long;le beó þe ic þ&a-long;s word sprece, Ors. 4, 13: S. 212, 26. His r&i-long;ce h&e-long; heard-l&i-long;ce werode þ&a-long; hw&i-long;le (hw&i-long;la, v. l.) þe his t&i-long;ma wæs, Chr. 1016 ; P. 149, 2. Sume hw&i-long;le paulisper, An. Ox. 4740. Næs ic næ-long;efre g&i-long;t n&a-long;ne hw&i-long;le sw&a-long; emnes m&o-long;des, Bt. 26, I; F. go, 25. Monige hw&i-long;le bi&d-bar; þ&a-long;m men full w&a-long;, Gen. 634. &O-long;&d-bar;er hw&i-long;le aliquando, Lk. L. R. 22, 32. &O-long;þre hw&i-long;le biþ t&o-long; tæ-long;lenne, &o-long;þre hw&i-long;le hit biþ t&o-long; heriganne nunc splendorem accipit, nunc amittit, Bt. 27, 4; F. 100, 18. (β) adjective :-- H&e-long; lange hw&i-long;le on þæ-long;m gebede wæs, Bl. H. 217, 28. Lytle hu&i-long;le (modi-cum tempus) mi&d-bar; i&u-long; ham, Jn. L. 7, 33: Past. 333, 15. (2) in prepositional phrases :-- H&u-long; hrædl&i-long;ce se fæ-long;rlica deá&d-bar; hié on lytelre hw&i-long;le bereáf-ode &d-bar;æs þe hié on longre hw&i-long;le mid unryhte striéndon quibus festina mors repente et simul abstulit quidquid eorum nequitia nec simul nec repente congregavit, Past. 332, 16. H&e-long; heom on ealre hw&i-long;le metes tilian sceolde, Hml. S. 23, 219. T&o-long; hw&i-long;l (ad tempus) gel&e-long;fa&d-bar;, Lk. L. 8, 13. Þ&a-long; wæs ymb hw&i-long;le &d-bar;&a-long; gefelde h&e-long; . . . , Bl. H. 217, 30. II. (with constructions as in I) an hour; hora. (l) as a definite space of time :-- Ð&a-long;s hlætmesto &a-long;n t&i-long;d &l-bar; hu&i-long;l (una hora) worohton, Mt. L. 20, 12. Ne mæhtest &a-long;ne hw&i-long;le (hu&i-long;le, L.) &a-long;wæccan ?, Mt. R. 26, 40. (2) as a sub-division of the day :-- From þæ-long;re syxta hw&i-long;le . . . oþ þe nigoþan hw&i-long;le. Æt þæ-long;re nigoþan t&i-long;d (hu&i-long;l, L.), Mt. R. 27, 45-46. (3) the time of day :-- T&i-long;d &l-bar; hw&i-long;l (t&i-long;ma, W. S.) for&d-bar; gew&a-long;t hora praeteriit, Mt. R. L. 14, 15. (4) the time of an event :-- T&o-long; neáliceþ hwíl (ðiú huíl l tíd, L. ) appropinquavit hora, Mt. R. 26, 45. On þæ-long;re hw&i-long;le cwæ&d-bar; se Hæ-long;lend,