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cause to be conveyed to a goal :-- Onsend Higelâce beaduscrûda betst, B. 452 : 1483. (b) of a missile (lit. or fig. ) or destructive agency :-- Drihten onsent manegra cynna wítu ofer ðâ synfullan . . . hê onsent f&y-circ;r ofer hig, and ungemetlice hæ-circ;to þæ-circ;re sunnan, Ps. Th. 10, 7. Wrôhtbora in folc Godes forð onsendeð of his brægdbogan biterne stræ-circ;l, Cri. 764. On gramra gemang hetend hildenæ-circ;dran forð onsendan, El. 120. (c) of speech, to address, direct prayer, send a message :-- Þislic æ-circ;rende se pâpa eft onsende and þâs word cwæð, Bl. H. 205, 22. Hê oft his word Gode ûp onsende, Gû. 748. Þîne bêne onsend in þâ beorhtan gesceaft, El. 1089. (d) to put in possession of a non-material object :-- Ic him in onsende bitre geþoncas, Jul. 404. Sige h&y-circ; onsendað sôðfæstra gehwâm, Sal. 244. Þê sâwle onsende þurh his sylfes hand Meotod, Seel. 28. Onsende þê fultum Drihten mittat tibi auxilium Dominus, Ps. Th. 19, 2. Þæt him folca weard onsende wíse geþóhtas, Crä. 21. Ðætte him wæs onsended mid tô diélgianne hira synna quod acceperant, ut possent delere peccata, Past. 429, 15. II. add :-- Þâ þe hine forð onsendon ofer &y-circ;ðe, B. 45. IIa. of a thing, to have issuing forth: :-- Þæt þû (a stone pillar) on þis folc onsende wæter, An. 1508. IIb. of a destructive agency, to send out of this life :-- Bealocwealm hafað fela feorhcynna forð onsended, B. 2266. v. an-sendan in Dict.

on-setenness. Substitute: on-seteness, -setness. I. laying on, imposition :-- Fram þâm rihtgeleáffullum bisceope onsetnesse (manus impositioni) and sume gebede beón getrymede, Ll. Th. ii. 232, 19. Þurh biscopa handa onsetenesse. Shrn. 85, 19 (in Dict.) II. institution. Take here Lk. L. R. II. 50 (from on-setness; I. in Dict.).

on-setl, es; n. A sitting on. Cf. setl; IV. :-- Hê þæt hors mid his onsetle him sylfum tô æ-circ;hte æ-circ;r gehâlgode equum juri suo sedendo dedicaverat, Gr. D. 183, 16. Cf. on-sæ-acute;te.

on-setness. I. v. on-seteness. II. v. on-sæ-circ;tness: on-setnung. l. -sæ-circ;tnung.

on-settan. Add: I. to impose, place one object on another; imponere, superponere :-- Gif mon on níwne weall hefigne hrôf onsett structuris recentibus si tignorum pondus superponitur, Past. 383, 33. Onsettað on (ofer, R. ) scyldrum imponit in umeros, Lk. L. 15, 5. Ofer untrymigum honda onsettað (inponent), Mk. L. R. 16, 18. Onsette hond ofer &l-bar; on ðâ ilco, 10, 16. Onsett hond ofer hiá inpone manum super eum, Mt. L. 9, 18. II. to oppress, impede :-- Gemêtton wê ûs æ-circ;ghwanon gelîcne storm foran onsettende inuenimus nos undique-uersum pari tempestate praeclusos, Bd. 5, 1 ; Sch. 552, 10. Cf. â-, of-settan.

on-sîgan. Add: (1) of forces approaching to attack, to come down on :-- Wê oferswîðdon þone onsîgendan here, Hml. S. 11, 71 : 31, 550 : 555: O. E. Hml. i. 303, 3. (2) of evil that falls upon one :-- For nâhte bið geteald ânes geáres lust ðæ-circ;r ðæ-circ;r se swearta deáð onsîgende bið, Hml. Th. ii. 146, 16. Gregorius þæt Rômânisce folc for ðâm onsîgendum cwealme tô behreówsunge tihte, 124, 2. Uton standan mid gemâglicum wôpum ongeán ðâm onsîgendum swurde swâ miccles dômes, 126, 1. (3) where defect is chargeable to wrong action :-- Wite se abbod gylte(s) hyrdes onsîgan swâ hwæt on sceápum se hîredes ealdor nytwyrð-nesse hwônlîcor swâ mæg gemêtan sciat abbas culpe pastoris incumbere quicquid in ovibus paterfamilias utilitatis minus potuerit invenire, R. Ben. I. 12, 5.

on-sîn. Add: -- Ic mîne sâwle sette mid môde, swâ eorðan bið ans&y-circ;n wæteres I made my soul feel as want of water is for the ground; anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi, Ps. Th. 142, 6.

on-sîne. Add: [Goth. ana-siun[i]s visible; un-anasiuniba invisibly.]

on-sitt. v. ILLEGIBLE.

on-sittan. II. v. sittan; III. III. add :-- Ic wolde gecyrran tô þyllicre drohtnunga, ac ic onsitte þ-bar; ic beó mînum fæder ungeh&y-circ;rsum, Hml. S. 33, 75. Hê him æfter þæ-circ;m gefeohte swîðor onsæt þonne hê æ-circ;r dyde, Ors. 3, 9; S. 132, 34.

on-sittend, es; m. One who sits on an animal, a rider :-- Þâ on-sittendas (-an, v. l.) þâra horsa, Gr. D. 15, 10.

on-slûpan to unloose, untie :-- þâ þwangas þâra scôna ongunnon heom sylfe onslûpan (dissolvere), Gr. D. 221, 23.

on-smiring, e; f. Anointing :-- Þæs hâlgan eles môton ealle crîstene men notian tô heora freónda onsmyrunge sancto oleo omnibus uti christianis in suorum necessitate unguentes, Chrd. 80, 19.

on-spannan. Add: v. un-spannan: on-spell. v. an spell.

on-spillend, es; m. A player, jester :-- Onspillendra parasitorum, Angl. xiii. 28, 29. v. spilian.

on-spræ-circ;c. Add: II. talk, conversation: DASH UNCERTAIN Hêr hwêne wiðufan þîne word and anspræ-circ;c rehte and smeáde be þâm wîtelicum hellestôwum paulo superius sermo de locis poenalibus inferni versabatur, Gr. D. 332, 9. [O. H. Ger. ana-sprâhha illatio: Germ. ein-sprache protest.]

on-spreca. Add :-- Beón ealdras leahtra anspecan and manna mid-specan sint rectores criminum persecutores et hominum liberatores, Chrd. 62, 26. v. sprecan; VI.

on-springan. Add: [O. Sax. ant-springan.]: on-stæppan. Take here on-steppan in Dict.: on-stâl. Add: Cf. on-spræ-circ;c.

on-standan. I. to consist of or in. Cf. standan; IV. :-- Ic ealle mîne bêc, on þâm þe se dr&y-circ;cræft onstôd, âwearp, Hml. Th. ii. 418, 14. II. to persist, continue :-- Þæt; mînes worldlîfes bletsung anstande ut mundanae meae vitae benedictio permaneat, Ll. Th. ii. 228, 4. Mid onstandendum geswince instanti labore, Scint. 111, 14. IIa. to insist, persist in demand :-- Hiá onstôdon stefnum miclum illi insta-bant uocibus magnis, Lk. L. R. 23, 23. III. to apply one's self to :-- Þâ þe of geswincum andlifene . . . tô begitanne geornlîce onstandaþ qui laboribus . . . uictum . . . adquirere inhianter instant, Chrd. 111, 1. [O. H. Ger. ana-stân inhaerere, instare.] Cf. â-standan.

on-stedfullness. l. -stedefullness, and add: v. un-stedefullness.

on-stellan. Add :-- Hê onstalde on ðæ-circ;m bisene ðæ-circ;m reccerum exemplum rectoribus praebens, Past. 102, 6. Forlæ-circ;tan wê . . . ealle þâ þeáwas þe dióflu on him sylfum onstealdon, Verc. Först. 94, 4. Hire nome . . . þe me ærst hire onstalde, Laym. 7132. Cf. Ger. an-stellen.

on-stêpan to raise. Add: to initiate (?). v. stêpan: on-stillan. v. stillan.

on-sting. Add: the right to intervene, or thrust oneself into, the affairs of another. Cf. stingan; Ia :-- Icc nelle nâteswhôn geþafian þ-bar; þaer æ-circ;nig man æ-circ;nigne onstyng habbe on æ-circ;nigum þingum, Cht. E. 303, 10. v. in-sting.

on-stingan. to be angry with (?) :-- ðe on þâm sylfan cildan bûtan smêgunge onstingð qui in ipsis infantibus sine discretione exarserit, R. Ben. I. 115, 16.

on-styreness. Add :-- Onstyrenisse &y-circ;ða his ðû gemildgas motum fluctuum ejus tu mitigas, Ps. Srt. 88, 10. Ne seleð on onstyrenesse (com-motionem) ðînne fôt, Ps. Vos. 120, 3.

on-styrian. I. in l. 1 after lîchoma insert hine, and add :-- Ne myhton hig nâhwyder þâ fæ-circ;mnan onstyrian . . . sume sceufon, sume tugon, and sw&y-circ;ðe swæ-circ;tton . . . and seó Godes fæ-circ;mne hwæðre stôd, Shrn. 154, 25. Ne mihte hundteóntig oxena þone stân onstyrian (movere), Gr. D. 49, 10. Ongan þ-bar; wrigels beón upp âhafen. Onstyredum þâm wrigelse . . . coepit operimentum sublevari. Quo commoto . . . , 160, 12. III. add: (1) where the passion or feeling excited is given (dat. or prep.) :-- Hié beóð anstyred (on-, v. l.) mid hiera ierre, Past. 293, 23. Ic wæs swîðe mid hleahtre onstyred magno risu sum dissolutus, Nar. 19, 7. Wæs hê miclum (mid miclum, v. l.) wylme and yrre onstyred nimio furore commotus, Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 23, 4. (2) where the exciting cause is given :-- Ðâ wæs for his fromscype onstyred Æ-acute;don motus eius profectibus Aedan, Bd. 1, 34; Sch. 104, 15. v. in-styrian; un-onstyrod.

on-styrigendlic. v. un-onstyrigendlic.

on-sund. I. add :-- Swâ mid mîne werode onsunde in Patriacen þ-bar; lond wê becwôman, Nar. 17, 15.

on-sundrum. I. add :-- þæt cildra inngân þâ cyrcean ân on-sundron sê gehringed belle (let a bell be rung without the accompaniment of any other?; but the Latin is: Unum continuatim pulsetur tintinnabu-lum), Angl. xiii. 380, 211.

on-swornod confused :-- Þonne stent ðæt deáde flæ-circ;sc onswornod (â-, v. l.) and ne mæg nân andwyrde syllan, Nap. 7.

on-tendan. I. add: (1) to set on fire so as to consume :-- Hê ealle ofslôh mid swurdes ecge and ontende þâ burh, Hml. S. 25, 416. (2) to set on fire what is to give light, light a candle, lamp, &c, Lch. iii. 286, 6 (in Dict.). (2a) of the illumination of the moon by the sun :-- Gyf se môna æfter sunnan setlunge ontend byð. . . ne byð hê nîwe geteald, Lch. iii. 266, 5. (3) to kindle fire, Ll. Th. 1. 50, 27-28 (in Dict.). (4) to heat a furnace, Hml. S. 5, 294 (in Dict.). (5) to burn by exposure to fire :-- Hê heóld his finger ofer þæt byrnende leóht . . . and his fingras ealle ontende, Hml. A. 196, 49. II. add: to inflame a person with passion, emotion, &c. :-- Hê wearð mid micclum graman ontend, Hml. S. 28, 54. His môd swîðe wearð ontend on hîre gewilnunge tô his gâlnesse cor Holofornis concussum est: erat ardens in concupiscentia ejus, Hml. A. 111, 289. Antend succenditur (livoris zelo). An. Ox. 2772. Antende inflammantur (superni ardoris facula), 977.

on-tendness. Add: burning. Cf. on-tendan ; I. 5 :-- Wê nû byrnað æ-circ;r ðan ðe se tîma côme úre ontendnysse, Hml. Th. ii. 414, 35. Læ-circ;t hine on ûrum anwealde, þæt wê magon ðînne teónan wrecan and ûre ontendnysse, 416, 20. III. add :-- ofersw&y-circ;ðde þâ synne, for þâm þe hê swâ onwende þâ ontendnysse (þâ hæ-circ;te and þone synlust, v. l.) vicit peccatum, quia mutavit incendium, Gr. D. 101, 28. [v. N. E. D. ontend.]

on-teón. I. to withdraw, pull away, extract :-- Ðonne þû wîn habban wille, þonne dô þû mid þînum twâm fingrum swilce þû tæppan of tunnan onteón wille, Tech. ii. 120, 10. II. to pull apart, untie :-- Gewunedon þá þwangas . . . of mycclum dæ-circ;le ontogone (un-, v. l.) magna ex parte dissolutae corrigiae remanserunt, Gr. D. 222, 3. [O. H. Ger. ant-(in-)ziohan ab-, de-, dis-trahere, extricare: Ger. ent-ziehen.]

on-þeón. Add :-- Wit þæ-circ;re beadwe bêgen ne onþungan, Rä. 85, 23.

on-þracian. Add :-- Andþraciaþ herescunt (horrescunt seems to have been read, Cf. horrescunt andþrachiað, Hpt. Gl. 481, 24: both are glosses on Ald. 43, 38). Hî anðraciað tô gefarenne lîfes wegas, and