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karta at görva, keyra plóg, 19; skilling silfrs af plógi hverjum, Eg. 278; bera þeir þá út plóga sína, Sks. 336; ef maðr höggr eyk fyrir plógi eðr arðri, N.G.L. ii. 115; hón setti þá fyrir plóg en plógrinn gékk svá hart ok djúpt, Edda (begin.); rekum eigi plug af akri, Orkn. (in a verse); eiga auðan plóg, to have an idle plough, Fms. vi. (in a verse); fjándans plógr, Gd. 33. 2. metaph. gain, produce, especial emoluments of an estate, either in down, jetsum, fowl, or the like; það er mesta plógs-jörð; virð lítils veraldar plóg, this world's gain, Pass. 16. 10. II. a Dan. pr. name, Plógr, Fms. xi. (Knytl. S.), whence mod. Dan. Ploug. plógs-land, n. an acre of land; gjalda mörk af hverju plógslandi, Orkn. 286: hann gaf henni eitt plógsland, Edda (begin.), (Yngl. S. ch. 5.)

plóma, u, f. [Engl. plum; Germ. pflaume], a plum, Edda (Gl.) ii. 482, (or a plum-tree.)

plytr, m. a nickname, Fb. iii; cp. Gael. pliut = a club-foot.

plægja, ð, to plough, Stj. 76, Edda 149 (pref.) 2. metaph. to gain; hvat mun ek mér í plægja? Bret. 91; ræðr hann þat fyrir þeim hversu mikit í plægðisk, Bs. i.

poki, a, m. [Gael. poca; Du Cange poucha; Fr. poche; North. E. poke; as also pung = pungr, púss; Byzantine Gr. GREEK] :-- a poke, pouch, bag, Fas. iii. 338; guðvefjar poki, Ld. 188, 202; in old writers of a small bag, in mod. of a big one; ullar-poki, a bag of wool, poka-prestr, m. a bag priest, a poor illiterate priest, a popular Icel. phrase, no doubt originating from the tale of the Master Thief and the Priest in the Poke, as told in the Norse Tales.

pollr, m. [Gael. poll; Welsh pwl; Germ. pfuhl; Engl. pool] :-- a pool, pond; pollrinn var svá djúpr þar er skipit flaut, Ld. 78; þeir lenda skipi sínu í poll þann, er þar gengr norðan at túni, Sturl. i. 167 C: in local names, Gislu-pollar, in Bretagne; Snóksdals-pollr, Brákar-pollr, in western Icel.; cp. Liver-pool, Hartle-pool, the Pool on the Thames.

polotur, f. pl., or palata, u, f. [through Byzantine Gr., from Lat. palatium] :-- the king's palace in Constantinople; þeir ganga til konungs palatu þar er hann svaf inni, Fagrsk. 111, Fms. vi. 172. polota-svarf, n. 'palace-scouring,' a right belonging to the Warengs, when the Greek emperor died, of roaming through the king's treasury for money, see Fms. vi. 171 -- ganga þeir um allar polotur konungs, ... ok skal hverr hafa at frjálsu þat sem höndum kemr á (in fact a kind of pillage).

ponta, að, = punkta, Skálda 176.

ponta, u, f. a mull, snuff-box with a 'pointed' end, shaped like a horn, freq. in mod. usage; for a sketch of one see Paikull's Travels in Icel. pontu-stútr, m. the pointed end of a ponta.

porri, a, m. a one-eyed person.

pors, m. [Lat. porrus], a kind of onion, Pr. 472, N.G.L. iii. 208. pors-mungát, n. a beverage spiced with pors, Rétt. 59.

port, n. [Lat. porta], a gate, Al. 49, Stj. 120, Fms. x. 15, Th. 21. COMPDS: port-greifi, a, m. = A.S. port-gérefa, a port-reeve, Sighvat. port-hús, n. a brothel, Fms. viii. 360. port-kona, u, f. a 'gate-woman,' harlot, Sks. 26, 436, Stj. 338, 405, Karl. 320, Róm. 382, N.G.L. ii. 417. port-lífi, n. prostitution, Mar.

portari, a, m. a porter, D.N. iv. 18.

posi, a, m. [Fr. bourse], a little bag, Háv. 46, Fb. i. 453.

postilla, u, f. [Lat. post illa], a postil.

postulera, að, [Lat.], to postulate, Bs. ii. 186.

postuli, a, m. [Gr.], an apostle, Nj. 275, Sks. 489, Bs., N.T., Pass., Vídal. passim; postula-dómr, apostleship, Post.; Postula-görningar, the Acts of the Apostles; postula-kirkja, an apostle's church, Sturl. iii. 58; postula-klokka, the name of a bell, Bs. i. 858; postula-messa, a mass of an apostle, Fms. x. 13, Bs. i. 830; Postula-súð, the name of a ship, Ann. 1343; Postula-Sögur, the Lives of the Apostles, Vm. 60, Dipl. v. 18.

postulín, n. [corrupted from Lat. procellanea?], porcelain.

postulligr, adj. apostolic, Fb. i. 234, Stj., Bs. passim.

pota, að, [from the Engl. in the 15th century(?)], to put: with dat., pota e-u, with the notion of stealth.

pott-lok, n. a pot-lid: hence a small, wretched cap; hvað þú hugsar, að setja skrattans pottlokið að tarna á höfuðið á barninu! Piltrog Stúlka 57.

pottr, m. [potus, Du Cange, from Lat. potare; Fr. pot], a pot. Bs. i. 804; diskar í borðhúsi, fjórir tigir diska, sex katlar, níu pottar, Dipl. iii. 4; mikinn pott fullan af bjórblönduðu víni, MS. 4. 21; pottr, munnlaug, Dipl. v. 18; fjórir pottar, einn ketill, ein panna, D.N. iv. 328; pottr með höddu, 457; leir-pottr, an earthen pot: freq. in mod. usage = a cauldron or hver, q.v. 2. a measure = two merkr, see mörk, (mod.)

pott-steik, f. a pottage, Stj. 165 (of Esau).

póstr, m. a postman, (mod.) póst-ganga, u, f. journey of the post.

prakkari, a, m. a beggar, Run. Gramm.; whence a rogue.

prakt, n. [Germ. pracht], pomp, show: praktugr, adj. showy, (mod., but occurs in the 17th century.)

prang, n. traffic: pranga, að, to traffic: prangari, a, m. a trafficker, in a contemptible sense.

prata, að, [from the Engl.], to prate. pratara-legr, adj. prating: also used of a shy pony, hann er prataralegr.

prámr, m. [Engl. prame; Swed. pråm], a flat-bottomed boat, Edda (Gl.), Gþl. 411, Skáld H. 5. 26. prám-tog, n. the towing of a prame, Gþl. 427.

prebenda and prevenda, u, f. [Lat.], a prebend, H.E. i. 507, K.Á 230.

prédika, að, [Lat.], to preach, Fms. viii. 269, ix. 500, Bs i. 699 766, 846, H.E. i. 463.

prédikan, f. the preaching a sermon, Magn. 502, Stj. 27, Vídal. passim

prédikari, a, m. a preacher. 2. a preaching friar, i.e. a Dominican, Bs. ii. 223, Fms. ix. 500, 530, x. 76. COMPDS: Prédikara-bróðir, m. a Dominican friar, Bs. i. 809. Prédikara-garðr, -hús -klaustr, -líf, -lifnaðr, -regla, u, f. a Dominican convent, order, Bs. i. 700, 809, Fms. ix. 520, x. 76. Prédikara-kirkja, u, f., Fms. ix. 530.

prefatia, u, f. [Lat.], a preface, Hom. 142.

prenta, að, [this word was borrowed prob. from the English during the English trade early in the 16th century; the Germ. say drucken whence Dan. and Swed. trycke] :-- to print: in Icel. prenta with compds is the popular word, Biblía ... prentað á Hólum, the Bible of 1584; Heilög Biblía prentuð að nýju að Hólum, the Edition of 1644; Almúgafólki til gagns og góða prentuð, the Book of Lays of 1612. On the other hand, the Germ.-Dan. þrykkja is often used on title-pages -- þrykkt í konungligum stað Roscylld, the N.T. of 1540; þrykt á Hólum, 1594 (the graduale); þrykt í Kaupinhafn, the Hymn-book of 1555: yet the Germ. and Dan. word was not able to displace the old word, which never ceased to be used in speech. COMPDS: prent-smiðja, u, f. a printing-house. prent-verk, n. a printing-office, prent-villa, u, f. a misprint, and so on.

prentan, f. printing: prentari, a, m. a printer.

presenta or presentera, að, [Lat.], to present, N.G.L. ii. 471, Pr. 405, Stj. 40, 216.

presenta, u, f. a present, Fms. ix. 450, Bs. i. 707, Stj. 503.

presentan or presenteran, f. a presentation, N.G.L. ii. 471, Stj. 109, H.E. i. 390.

pressa, að, [from Lat.], to press, Lil. 10, and in mod. usage.

pressa, u, f. a press, (mod.)

prest-borð, n. a 'priest's board,' maintenance; liggja þrjár kýr til prestborðs, B.K. 10.

prest-gipt, f. a 'priest-gift' donation to the priest, N.G.L. i. 360.

prest-jörð, f. a priest's land, D.N.

prest-kona, u, f. a priest's wife, Fms. vii. 391, Bs. i. 348.

prest-lauss, adj. priestless, N.G.L. i. 455: a person who has forfeited his priestly orders.

prestliga, adv. in a priestly manner.

prestligr, adj. priestly, H.E. i. 474, passim; ú-prestligr, unpriestly.

prestlingr, m. a 'priestling' theological student preparing for orders under the care of the bishop or a clergyman; þat er manni rétt at láta læra prestling til kirkju sinnar, K.Þ.K.; kenna prestlingum, Bs. i. 83; Klængr, er þá var p. ok ungr at aldri, 165; heyrði hann til er prestlingum var kennd íþrótt sú er grammatica heitir, 163; þá höfðu prestlingar hans farit til fjöru at leika sér, 446, (for records of such schools see Jóns S. ch. 11, Bs. i. 162 sqq., Laur. S. ch. 44.)

prest-maðr, m. a clergyman, Sturl. iii. 225.

prest-mata, u, f. a tithe payable to the priest; see mata.

prest-mágr, m. a nickname, Fms. viii. 385.

prest-orð, n. = prestdómr, D.N. i. 276.

PRESTR, m., prests, presti, [the word was borrowed through the English missions from the A.S. preost, Engl. priest, as is seen from the dropping of the inflexive r or er, whereas the Germ. has priester, O.H.G. priestar, agreeably with the eccl. Lat. presbyter] :-- a priest, Fms. ix. 8, Sturl. ii. 31, Grág. i. 152, K.Þ.K., Bs., H.E., in countless instances, as also in mod. usage. COMPDS: prests-borð, n. = prestborð, H.E. i. 494. presta-bók, f. a ministerial book, N.G.L. ii. 341. presta-búr, n. a 'priest's closet,' Dipl. v. 18. presta-dómr, m. a priest's court, an ecclesiastical court, K.Þ.K. prests-dómr, m. priesthood, Bs. i. 795. presta-fátt, adj. scarcity of priests, Bs. i. 136. prests-fundr, m. the visit of a priest; biðja prestsfundar, of one dying, Sturl. iii. 206. prests-fæði, n. = prestborð, Vm. 149. presta-garðr or prests-garðr, m., prests-hús, n. a priest's residence, Sturl. ii. 124, Fms. ix. 379. presta-hatari, a, m. 'priest-hater,' a nickname of the Norse king Eric (1281-1299). presta-heimili, n. a priest's domicile, Grág. i. 471. prests-kaup, n. a priest's wage, K.Á. 102. presta-mót, n., and presta-stefna, u, f. a conference of priests, a synod, N.G.L. i. 347, Bs. i. 77, 853, K.Á. 80, Dipl. ii. 14. presta-reiða, u, f. = prestreiða, D.I. i. 161. presta-silfr, n. the priest's fee, the contribution which a priest, when at a conference, had to pay, N.G.L. iii. 309. presta-spítal, n. (-spítali, a, m.), a hospital, infirmary for priests, Bs. i. 853.

prest-reiða, u, f. the rent payable to a priest, N.G.L. i. 15.

prest-renta, u, f. a priest's rent, B.K. 106.

prest-setr, n. a priest's residence, Bs. ii. 47, 116.

prest-skapr, m. priesthood, Bs. i. 157.

prest-skyld, f. = prestrenta, Pm. 21.

prest-stétt, f. the priestly order, priesthood, Bs. i. 590.

prest-stóll, m. a 'priest's stool,' a pulpit, Vm. 23.

prest-tekja, u, f. (prest-taka, H.E. i. 494), a priest's income, B.K. 8.

prest-tíund, f. a priest's tithe, K.Á. 98, Vm. 140.